The Great Devourer Part 2

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Hope hadn't been in Ninjago City since she left the hospital. Although her recent memories of that place weren't great, she didn't want Alyssa to possibly get devoured there.

When the ninja arrived, they saw many people running in a panic. Nya and Lloyd were sitting in the Samurai X mech.

Jay saw his parents about to get eaten by the Devourer and ran to protect them. The ninja tried to use their powers to combat the Devourer.

"Mind if I borrow this?" asked Cole as he took a van and tossed it towards the Devourer. Unfortunately, their efforts proved futile.

"Uh, I think we only made it mad," said Jay.

Just then, Hope heard screams. "Help! Somebody help us!"

She quickly ran towards the direction of the screams. She found a lot of rubble. "Hello? Anyone there?"

"Can you get the ninja?" came a voice.

"Wait, I'll help you," said Hope. She wasn't sure how to help. She didn't possess Cole's super strength, Zane's intelligence or Nya's weapons.

I have to try. Hope tried to think of random plants that could move the rubble. Nothing. Hope felt a slight headache coming on.

"Are you still there?" came the voice.

"Yes. I'm trying to get you out of here."

Just then, a dark shadow loomed behind her. Hope turned around to see the Great Devourer behind her.

Hope screamed and instantly rosebushes rose out of the ground and moved the rubble, revealing a terrified girl with dark curls. She gasped. "Hope?"

Hope turned around. "Alyssa?"

There was no time to talk, for the Devourer had opened its mouth to devour both of them. Hope grabbed Alyssa's hand and ran out of there. Alyssa started yelling, "Ow, ow, ow."

"I'm sorry. Are you hurt?" asked Hope.

"I got bruised a little," said Alyssa. "Hope, why are you wearing a ninja gi?"

"Er... I'm a ninja now."

Alyssa's mouth dropped open. "What?"

"Yeah. I can control nature. Well, for now it's just flowers, but I'm working on that."

"So that's why that random plant pulled Dad away from you that day! You must have been tapping into your powers!"

"And I am here live, caught in the middle of an epic ninja versus snake battle," a reporter was saying. "People, I have never seen bravery like this before. But I fear the ninja are no match for a beast this size. People are recommended to flee or run away, waving their arms wildly while screaming like little children."

Nya, in her Samurai X mech, uses a lamppost to hold the Great Devourer's mouth open.

"Samurai to the rescue, again," said Jay.

"Its breath smells worse than Cole's chili," said Lloyd.

"Hey!" yelled Cole.

"Get out of there, sis!" yelled Kai.

"I can't! I'm stuck!" said Nya.

Alyssa screamed. "Is that the Samurai and a tiny green ninja inside the mech?"

Just then, a four-headed dragon suddenly appeared and rescued Nya and Lloyd.

"Rocky! Our dragons are back," said Cole.

However, even the dragons that had belonged to the four original ninja weren't able to stop the Great Devourer and got knocked out by the Devourer's tail.

"Oh no," said Hope.

"What now?" asked Nya.

"Wait, why is there another girl with Hope?" asked Cole. "She kinda looks familiar."

"Guys, meet Alyssa Howes, my foster sister," said Hope. "She was the one who alerted you about my foster parents' abuse of me."

"I still can't believe that you're a ninja," said Alyssa. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"We wanted her to be a secret," said Kai. "But I think that everyone is going to know after today."

Lloyd suddenly gave a gasp. "You came back!" Somehow Lord Garmadon had returned.

Alyssa screamed again.

"Give me the weapons," said Garmadon. "I am the only one who can handle the power of all four weapons at once. It's the only thing that'll defeat the Devourer."

"Uh, I thought we were supposed to do everything in our power not to let him possess the weapons," said Jay.

"I've ran every other scenario through my servers. It appears to be the only way," said Zane.

Surprisingly, it was Kai who was the first one to hand over his weapon. "When you have a chance to make the blow, it has a weak spot near his forehead."

"I'll do my part. You just make sure he stays in one spot," said Garmadon.

"Stays in one spot? Stays in one spot!? How are we supposed to do that?" asked Jay.

"Don't forget, we're ninja," said Kai.

The ninja worked together to trap the Great Devourer. Kai lured it and ran to Cole, who leapt over buildings into a construction site. Jay jumped down an elevator shaft and used his True Potential to fly back up. Then Zane made an ice slide for him and Jay to escape.

As the Devourer chased the ninja, it ended entangling itself. The plan had worked!

Hope looked at the Devourer from ontop a building with Lloyd. "I think that it could use secure placements." She made rose plants grow from the ground and lock the Devourer in place.

Lloyd winced. "That looks like it would hurt." Then he gasped. "Look! Dad!"

"You are the reason evil runs through my blood. You bit me once. Now feel what it's like to be bitten back." Garmadon jumps from a building and destroys the Devourer in its weak spot.

Venom coated the city and everyone cheered.

However, there was no Garmadon in sight as the ninja walked around. "I don't see my dad," said Lloyd.

"He should be around here somewhere," said Kai.

However, Garmadon was nowhere to be seen. But there was someone else to be seen.

"Sensei Wu!" called Cole.

Five teenagers, one nindroid and one child ran towards Wu in delight, happy that he had survived. As for Wu himself, he had picked up his teapot and started drinking tea.

Lloyd was a little sad. "Am I really gonna have to fight my father one day?"

"One day," said Wu."But today we can feel good that Ninjago is saved, for tomorrow you will train for the day. Good will finally face evil and a final outcome will be decided for all of time."

Hope hugged Lloyd. "Don't worry. You have a couple of years before you have to worry about the Final Battle."

What nobody knew at that moment was that sometimes destiny can't always be controlled.

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