7|| Disappearing Doubles

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{ Hinata's P.O.V }

"How is everything with Lord Sasuke, Lady Hinata?" A woman asked me when she walked up to my desk.

"Everything is good, what is your request?" I smiled at her.

"That's good, I have come to ask that someone go to find my son," she sighed.

"Was he on a mission with others?" I took notes.


"Okay, was he with anyone else the last time you saw him?" I looked at her.

"No, I wish I had sent someone with him," she looked away.

"How long has he been missing?"

"Four days maybe five, he was so little I thought he might have stayed with a friend, I'm a bad mother," she put her hands on the desk.

"No, I know you have tried you best and I'm glad you came," I stood up and smiled.

"Thank you, Lady Hinata," she looked into my eyes.

"The next team ready will be on this mission," I handing the paper to Shikamaru.

"I heard you were so kind," she smiled. "I hope to see you again, Lady Hinata."

"Before you leave," I grab her hand. "Why do you call me Lady Hinata? You aren't Hyūga or Uchiha."

"I still respect those clans and anyone who does should call you Lady." She smiles and leaves.

"Hina, I mean Hinata," Sasuke had came in the door with that one girl.

"Oh, Lord Sasuke is here," people started to murmur amongst themselves.

"Shikamaru will take care of everything please talk to him," I smiled. "What is it, Sasuke?"

"Come with me," We stepped out into the hall.

"I was in the middle of making a new request chart. We were running low on missions. Not many people are wanting to request help from Konoha."

"Hinata, this little girl is disappearing have you seen any of the doubles," Sasuke pointed at her.

"Disappearing, that doesn't make sense," I looked at her.

I guess I have been working to much to notice anything else.

"I want my parents," the girl looked irritated.

"Your parents may have disappeared," Sasuke sighed.

"What happened?"

"She called me papa-"

Before he said anything else I stopped him, "papa?"

"I don't know why either," he sighed.

"You look a lot like him, I'm sorry," she sat down.

"Then Haru told her she doesn't belong here and this happened."

"So maybe it's because she doesn't belong here so she is disappearing," I thought.

A crowd of people came running down the hall.

It was the doubles.

"Hinata and Naruto have disappeared," Double Sakura said.

"You mean they just.. Are gone?" I kept Sasuke close.

"The other two, Hinata. The other two kids have disappeared the ones with the Uzumaki last name."

"Boruto and Himawari have disappeared?" Double Sasuke looked at the little girl sitting down.

My Family's Nindo[2]: Control And Face Your FearsWhere stories live. Discover now