Chapter 22

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Ellie's days were filled with activities and imaginative play, but her thoughts never strayed far from her mother. She missed her presence, her laughter, and the warmth of her hugs. Each passing day felt like an eternity, testing her patience and longing for her mother's return.

Ellie, her heart heavy with longing, approached her grandmother, Andrea. She fidgeted with her stuffed animal, her voice soft and subdued. "Grandma," she murmured, her eyes downcast, "I miss Mommy so much. When will she be back home?"

Tears welled up in Ellie's eyes as the pain of missing her mother washed over her. Her lower lip quivered, and a small sob escaped her. She clutched her stuffed animal tightly, seeking solace in its familiar embrace. "I want Mommy..." she whispered, her voice choked with sorrow.

Andrea, seeing her granddaughter's distress, immediately knelt beside her and pulled her into a warm and comforting hug. "Oh, sweetheart," she soothed, her voice filled with maternal warmth, "I know it's hard to be apart from Mommy, but she'll be back home soon. Just a few more days, okay?"

Ellie buried her face in Andrea's chest, tears streaming down her cheeks as she struggled to hold back her sobs. Her body trembled ever so slightly as she clung to her grandmother, the weight of her longing and sadness heavy upon her. "I miss Mommy... I want her home now..." she choked out between ragged breaths, struggling to contain the intensity of her emotions.

Andrea rubbed gentle circles on Ellie's back, her touch comforting and reassuring. "I know, my sweet girl," she whispered, her voice tinged with sympathy and understanding. "It's hard to be apart from those we love. But Mommy will be back soon, and then you can show her all your drawings and tell her all about your adventures. Just hang in there a little longer, okay?"

Ellie, her small frame shaking with sobs, choked out a plea between heartfelt sniffles. "I miss Mommy's tacos and pancakes," she whimpered, her voice laced with longing and melancholy. The memory of her mother's cooking and the warmth it brought to their family dinners fueled her sadness even more.

Andrea, her heart swelling with affection and empathy, gently brushed away the tears streaming down Ellie's cheeks. "I know your Mommy's cooking is special, it's delicious," she murmured, her voice filled with understanding. "How about we try making some tacos and pancakes tomorrow, just like Mommy makes them, hmm? I can't promise they'll taste exactly the same, but we'll do our best to bring some of that warmth back into the kitchen until Mommy returns."

Ellie shook her head emphatically, the tears streaming down her face. "It won't be the same," she managed to say through her tears. "Only Mommy's food makes me feel good. I miss her." The young girl's raw emotional honesty was evident in in her pleading eyes.

Andrea, understanding the depth of Ellie's attachment to her mother's cooking, wrapped her in a protective embrace. "I know, sweetheart," she whispered softly, her voice filled with compassion and empathy. "There's no replacing Mommy's cooking. But we'll do our best until she's back home, and then she can cook all of your favorite foods again.

Ellie's tears continued to flow as her small form shuddered with each sob. She buried her face in her grandmother's arms, her grief and longing palpable. "I want Mommy..." she whimpered, her voice barely a whisper. No amount of consoling or promises of tacos and pancakes could soothe her aching heart. She missed her mother fiercely, and the days apart seemed like an eternity.

Andrea held her granddaughter tightly, rocking her gently as if trying to soothe her pain away through physical touch. She knew there was little she could say or do to alleviate Ellie's sadness fully, but in that moment, holding her close and offering a shoulder to lean on was the best she could do. "I know, sweetheart," she whispered softly, her voice filled with love and empathy. "Just a few more days, and your Mommy will be back home, and she can give you all the hugs and cuddles you need."

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