chapter 5

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Imma be honest i cant stop writing...this must be what taylor felt like writing TTPD. I had the most delicious milkshake yesterday so this is partially inspired, also yes i will be writing more and more...  any requests??

About an hour later, Taylor and Selena were seated across from each other at a charming café their favorite. The atmosphere was cozy, filled with the scent of freshly baked pastries and the low hum of soft music. They both sat at a table, and a server had just placed two massive milkshakes in front of them, their tall glasses filled with a swirl of creamy perfection, topped with whipped cream, caramel drizzle, sprinkles, and a cherry.

Taylor's eyes widened at the sight of the monstrous milkshakes, her stomach rumbling. She looked at Selena with a mix of gratitude and admiration. "You weren't kidding, Sel. These milkshakes look like they could wake the dead. And they smell incredible!"

Selena laughed, her eyes glinting with a mischievous sparkle. "I told you! Only the best for my pregnant best friend. And let's be real, the baby deserves it too. A growing baby needs fuel, right?" She picked up her milkshake, a wide grin spreading across her face.

Taylor mirrored her friend's grin. She wrapped her hands around her own milkshake glass, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. With a deep breath, she raised the straw to her lips and took a long, luxurious sip. As the creamy, icy liquid hit her tongue, she couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure. It was pure heaven in a glass.

Next to her, Selena watched with a mix of amusement and satisfaction as Taylor enjoyed the milkshake. She took a sip of her own, her eyes closing blissfully at the taste. "I think we found the perfect cure for stress and worry, Tay. A milkshake prescription is what the doctor should've prescribed!"

Taylor couldn't help but laugh, the tension in her shoulders easing as she basked in the moment of laughter and sugar."You might have a point there, Sel. Maybe I should bring a milkshake to every doctor's appointment from now on. It certainly helps with the nerves..."

Selena's laughter echoed across the table. "Deal! Milkshakes for every checkup. I'll even create a new flavor for the baby, 'Future Superstar Vanilla Swirl.'

Taylor's eyes widened in mock horror, her hands clutching her belly. "Future Superstar Vanilla Swirl? Oh no, we'll end up with a teeny tiny rockstar that wants to perform duets while I'm trying to rest!"

Selena's laughter bubbled out, the sound bright and contagious. "Oh, I can just imagine it now. Tiny rockstar in a miniature leather jacket, headset and all, belting out lullabies at 3 AM!

Taylor couldn't help but join in her friend's laughter, the image too comical to resist. "You're terrible, Sel! I can just picture the headlines: 'Taylor Swift's Baby Causes Neighborhood Sleep Deprivation Crisis!'"

Selena's eyes twinkled with amusement as she sipped her milkshake, the image now clear in her mind. "Sounds like a future PR opportunity. 'Exclusive Lullabies from the Littlest Rockstar - Get Your Earplugs Ready!'"

Taylor's laughter faded slightly, and a serious expression replaced her carefree demeanor. She looked at Selena, her eyes reflecting an inner turmoil. "Sel, there's something I need to tell you. It's important."

Taylor took a deep breath, bracing herself for Selena's reaction. "So, I have this big news. I've been looking into it for a while, and I just made an offer on this amazing mansion. I'm planning to move in there and raise the baby on my own, away from my parents. I think it's time I start this chapter of my life, you know?"

Selena's eyes widened with surprise, her milkshake momentarily forgotten in her hand. She took a moment to process the news, her face a mixture of shock and concern. "A mansion, Tay? That's huge! And raising the baby on your own... are you sure you're ready for all that?" Her tone held a hint of worry amidst the surprise.

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