chapter 7

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Hiii, so I've been writing like omg i already have 5 more chapters done .... also vote..
aka timeline is kinda messy

After five long days in the hospital, Taylor and Ellie finally arrived back home. The house was a mixture of excited preparation and nervous chaos.

Taylor's parents had come over early to help get everything ready, and Selena had already stocked the kitchen with food and essentials. Taylors bodyguard, Greg, stood nearby, his watchful eyes scanning the surroundings as the car pulled into the driveway.

Taylor, holding Ellie tightly, stepped out of the car, her exhaustion masked by the joy of holding her baby in her arms. Her parents rushed over, immediately fussing over their new granddaughter, showering Ellie with love and kisses. Selena, ever watchful, handed Taylor a cup of hot tea, a small but knowing smile playing on her lips.

Taylor managed a tired smile, gratefully accepting the tea. Ellie fussed slightly, her face scrunching up in that unmistakable "I'm about to throw a fit" preamble. Taylor quickly handed her over to her mother, who expertly took over rocking and comforting the baby.

Taylors eyes met Selina's, a silent exchange between them, a wordless understanding of the journey they had undertaken together.

As Taylors mother expertly handled Ellie’s fussiness, Selena gently placed a comforting hand on Taylor’s shoulder. “You okay?” she asked, her voice soft but firm. Taylor sighed, feeling the exhaustion creeping up on her. “I don’t know,” she admitted, “I feel like I could sleep for a week but also that I’ll never sleep again.” A tired laugh escaped her lips, the weight of motherhood and responsibility settling heavily on her shoulders.

Selena smirked. “Sounds about right. The first few weeks are the hardest, but you’ll get through it.” Scott joined them, holding a now-content Ellie in his arms. “Why don’t you let us handle the baby for a bit? You need some rest,” he said, his voice filled with genuine concern and love.

Taylor hesitated for a moment, but the exhaustion in her eyes was impossible to miss. She finally nodded, her body visibly relaxing as if a load had been lifted off her shoulders. “Thanks,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Scott just chuckled and handed the baby over to her. “Go on, we’ve got this.” With a final glance at Ellie, Taylor turned and retreated to her room, the promise of rest beckoning her.

The exhaustion hit Taylor like a ton of bricks as she sat on the edge of the bed. She fumbled with her clothes, her fingers felt clumsy and sluggish. Finally, after what seemed like hours, she managed to change into a comfortable pair of pajamas. She collapsed onto the bed, the softness of the sheets welcoming her weary body.

Even before she was fully settled, her eyes were already closed, her breath slowing into a steady rhythm as she drifted off into a deep, much-needed sleep.

Hours passed, the room was filled with a peaceful silence. The only sound was the occasional rustle of the curtains, stirred by a gentle breeze from the open window.

Just as Taylor was on the precipice of the deepest, most restorative part of her sleep, the sound of her baby’s soft whimper broke through. Her eyes fluttered open, her body tensing as she adjusted to the sudden awakening.

She sat up, still disoriented and groggy from sleep. The soft glow of the night light guided her eyes towards Ellie, who was whimpering in her crib, her tiny body restless. Taylor’s maternal instincts kicked in, and she swiftly rose, crossing the room to the crib. Picking up Ellie, she cradled her against her chest, gently muttering soothing words as she rocked her back and forth, trying to settle her fussy baby.

Ellie’s fussing persisted, her cries growing more insistent. Taylor felt the beginnings of frustration and exhaustion creep back in. Was she doing this right? Was she failing as a mother already? The doubts swirling in her mind only intensified the feeling of helplessness and frustration. She tried different positions, different soothing pats. Nothing seemed to be working. Ellie’s cries grew louder, her tiny fists clenching in distress.

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