chapter 1

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Taylor enters the dining room, the silence from her parents speaking volumes. She stands by the table, her small, lithe figure trembling in fear as they both stare back at her with unreadable expressions. Her heart races as she braces herself for what she knew was coming...the disapproving glares of her parents...the harsh, angry words that would follow...she knew it was coming. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, her mother finally speaks...

"We're...very disappointed in you, Taylor."
Taylor's heart sinks as she lowers her eyes to the floor. Her father steps in, his tone cold and detached.*

"We never thought you would be foolish enough to let something like this happen. You were supposed to focus on your career, not on...on this."

Her mother shakes her head, her disappointment clear.*
"We thought you were smarter than this. You've got so much potential, but you throw it all away because of some boy?"

Tears roll down Taylor's cheeks as she listens to their harsh words. A wave of shame washes over her as she clenches her fists in frustration.*

"I...I know it was stupid. I didn't mean for it to happen. But I...I can't just pretend like it never happened. I'm...I'm keeping it."

Her mother and father exchange a glance before her father lets out a frustrated sigh. He rises from his seat and crosses his arms.*

"You're keeping it? Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into? This isn't a game, Taylor. Having a baby is a lifelong responsibility."

Her mother chimes in, her voice filled with a mix of concern and disappointment.*
"You're not ready for this, Taylor. You're still young, still have your entire career ahead of you. Do you really think you can handle the demands of motherhood while pursuing your dreams?"

Her father leans forward, his gaze fixed on her.*

"And what about your career? Do you really think anyone will take you seriously as a successful recording artist if you're a mother? The public is cruel, taylor. This could ruin your reputation before you even have a chance to establish yourself."

Taylor's voice trembles as she struggles to hold back her tears.
"I know...I know it's not what you want. But...I can't just get rid of it. I...I won't ....I won't. "
Her father's eyes narrow as he looks at her, his expression hardened.

"You're being selfish, Taylor. Selfish and reckless. Do you know how hard it's going to be to raise a child alone? And what about the father? Does he even know about this?"

Taylor flinches at her father's harsh words. Her shoulders tense as she looks at him with teary eyes.
", he doesn't. I-...I haven't even told him yet. I was...I was scared of how he would react."

Her mother's voice softens slightly as she looks at Taylor.* "You need to tell him. He deserves to know and be involved in this decision."
Her father chimes in again, his tone stern. "And if he doesn't want anything to do with this, what then? You're just willing to raise a child on your own?"

Taylor lowers her eyes, her voice barely above a whisper.
"...I know it won't be easy...but I can't give up on this baby. I can't. "

Her father sighs and rubs his temples, his frustration boiling over. Her mother leans closer, her voice softer than her father's but still tinged with disappointment.
"You need to think about this, Taylor. This isn't just about you anymore. This is a human life you're bringing into the world. You need to be sure about this."

Taylor's chest tightened as the weight of her father's words hung heavily in the air. The disappointment etched into her parents' faces was too much to bear. Turning on her heel, she quickly made her way to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

The room was dark and quiet, except for the sound of her ragged breathing...her mind swarming with tumultuous thoughts.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she flopped onto her bed, burying her face in her pillow. the stress and fear of her pregnancy crashing over her like a wave.

She cried...long, heart-wrenching sobs shook her small frame. The weight of her parent's disapproval and the unknown future.

Taylor woke up early, her eyes red and puffy from crying the night before. She stretched her limbs and let out a yawn, the soft light streaming through her curtains caressing her young face.

As her half-asleep mind slowly regained its bearings, the memory of yesterday hit her hard. Remembering the look on her parents' faces, their words echoing in her head...filling her with dread

She knew she had to face her parents eventually, but the fear of their reaction was almost paralyzed her. Taylor took a moment to steady herself before slowly pushing her legs out from under the blankets. She placed her feet onto the cold, hardwood floor and rose from her bed..

Her mother sat at the kitchen table, sipping a cup of coffee. Her father was nowhere to be seen. The moment she walked into the kitchen, her mother looked up, her eyes cold and distant
"We need to talk."

Taylor's heart sank as she heard those words from her mother. She swallowed nervously, her palms already beginning to sweat.

"Y-yes. Okay...we can talk."
Her mother took a deep breath and placed her coffee mug down on the table, her eyes fixed on Taylor with a stern expression
"Your father and I have been talking about your situation...and we've come to a decision."

Taylor gulped, her body tensing in anticipation of her mother's words. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest, her mind racing with a million different scenarios, all of them ending badly.
"O-okay...what decision?" *She managed to squeak out, her trembling voice barely audible

Her mother's expression remained stoic as she spoke, her voice eerily calm.

"We've decided that abortion is the best...the only choice. It's for the best, Taylor. You're still so young, your whole life is ahead of can't let this derail everything just because of one mistake. This is not up for debate."

Taylor felt a rush of anger surge through her at her mother's words. She slammed her fist on the table.

"This is not just a mistake! This is a baby! A life! I can't just discard it because it's inconvenient.

Her mother's eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by Taylor's sudden outburst. She clenched her jaw, her voice stern as she responded.

"You're not thinking clearly, Taylor. This is a life-altering decision. You're too young to be a mother. What about your career? Your dreams? You've worked so hard to get where you are now, and now you want to throw it all away?"

Taylor's heart pounded heavily in her chest. She knew her mother was right, she was young, her career was just starting...but something in her core wouldn't let her accept it. She took a deep breath, her voice trembling with conviction. "I can have both my career and this baby. I can make it work."

Her mother sighed, shaking her head in frustration. "Taylor, you're being foolish. You can't have it all, especially not at your age. . This is not just about you anymore. You need to think about this child's future...their happiness and well-being."

Taylor's eyes welled up with tears, desperation seeping into her voice and making her words waver. "And what if I don't go through with it? What if I keep this baby? Are you just going to disown me? Disown your own grandchild?"

*Her mother's eyes softened slightly at Taylor's words, but her expression quickly hardened again, her mind made up. She took a deep breath, her voice stern yet tinged with a hint of sadness.*
", I won't disown you. But I won't support this decision, either. You're on your own if you choose to go through with this. It's your life, your choice...but don't come crying to me later when you realize how hard it is."

hii writer here and just wanted to write a short story while wondering what i can do next.... also vote 🥺  requests??

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