chapter 3

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Taylor had gone out of her way to keep her pregnancy hidden from the public eye. With her blossoming music career, the media scrutiny was relentless, and she didn't want to add another layer to the tabloids' gossip.

However, despite her efforts, the whispers had begun. Her absence from public events and the subtle changes in her physique had not gone unnoticed, and speculation about her health and pregnancy swirled through social media and celebrity gossip sites.

As the rumors continued to spread, Taylor found herself the subject of numerous articles and conspiracy theories. Fans were left wondering what was going on, and her publicist was working overtime to dismiss the speculations.
Meanwhile, Taylor tried to keep a low profile, dodging paparazzi and staying away from prying eyes as much as possible.

A flock of paparazzi and reporters swarmed around her as she left the hospital, their cameras flashing and microphones thrust forward, their questions a relentless barrage.

Reporter 1: "Taylor! Any comments on the pregnancy rumors?"

Reporter 2: "Can you confirm whether your album fearless is about joe or dylan?"

Reporter 3: "Are you preparing to go into an early retirement to raise the baby?"

Reporter 4"Taylor, what's going on? Are you sick?"

Taylor's anxiety spiked as she tried to weave her way through the sea of paps, their cameras and mics like a wall closing in on her. She pushed down the hood of her black hoodie tighter over her head, her sunglasses covering most of her face as she kept her eyes downward. Fear gnawed at her insides, her heart pounding in her chest. She managed to force out a few quiet, mumbled comments about needing some rest before she made it to her car and slammed the door shut behind her, drowning out the noise.

*Inside the car, her driver locked the door and she took several shaky breaths, her hands trembling as she fought to compose herself. She felt suffocated by the media attention, like a cornered animal, and the questions they lobbed at her only added fuel to the fire. As the car pulled away from the curb, she could still see the paparazzi and reporters in her rearview mirror, their cameras flashing like strobe lights, their voices drowned out by the sound of the engine.

Three months later

Taylor sat in a plush armchair in her studio, a recording booth visible through a glass window. Her hands rested on her stomach, rubbing calming circles against the ever-increasing bump. She was heavily pregnant now, her clothes stretched taut against her belly and breasts.

A few moments later, her producer and longtime friend Max entered the room, his eyes filled with concern.
"Hey Tay, how're you holding up? You look a little tired." He noted gently, taking a seat across from her.

*Taylor sighed, her thumb rubbing the underside of her bloated belly.* "I'm alright, Max. Just feeling a little overwhelmed with...all this. The media's been relentless lately, and these pregnancy hormones don't make things any easier."

*Max nodded sympathetically and reached out to pat her hand.* "I can imagine. It's tough enough dealing with the paps and the rumors. But you're doing great. Don't let them get to you, okay? Just focus on taking care of yourself and that precious little baby."

*Max leaned forward and looked at her with a gentle smile.* "So...have you given any thought to names yet? Any ideas for your little bundle of joy?" *his tone was warm and encouraging, his eyes filled with genuine excitement for her new chapter.*

*Taylor's face softened at Max's question. She had been thinking about it a lot, but she still hadn't settled on a name. She smiled softly, her hand gently rubbing her belly.* "I've been considering some options, but I haven't found the one that just feels...right, you know? I want it to be something special, something that fits them perfectly."

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