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With a mighty roar that echoed like the cry of a whale in the heart of Kraghelm, I unleashed the full force of my dragonic power. My Dragon Lord, Darlix, nestled safely within the protected cockpit on my nape, marveled at my newfound form.

"Charlotte! You're a Panzer Dragon!" Darlix exclaimed in awe. "You're incredible!"

"I know, right? This is the epitome of elegance!" I boasted telepathically, reveling in my majestic transformation.

A horde of fifty Conquest Dragons surged toward me, unleashing torrents of flame in a relentless assault. Their fireballs engulfed me in explosions, but as the smoke cleared, I emerged unscathed, a testament to my invincible nature.

"What in the world!?" The Conquest Dragon cried out in disbelief.

"You insignificant pest. With a Dragon Lord like Darlix at my side, I am impervious to your feeble attacks!" I taunted telepathically, my confidence unwavering. With a sweep of my twin cannons, I unleashed a barrage of firepower upon the enemy.

Multiple cannon shells took down twelve Conquest Dragons, but their numbers seemed endless. As long as even one clone remained, our efforts would be in vain.

"Ha-ha-ha! It seems we are evenly matched, aren't we?" The Conquest Dragons jeered as their ranks swelled, doubling in number to a hundred strong.

A stalemate loomed before us, an endless cycle of destruction and rebirth. Darlix and I, protected by the Mark of Vesryn's immortality, faced off against the unyielding legion of Conquest Dragons, each as relentless as the last.

"Darlix! Charlotte! Aim for the bell tower!" Xenon's voice rang out from below, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

Inspiration struck. With precision, I targeted the heart of the bell tower, charging my twin cannons with electric railgun bullets, ready to unleash a devastating assault.

"Panzer Railcannon!" Darlix's cry pierced the chaos as the electrifying bullets erupted from my twin cannons, hurtling towards the bell tower with lethal intent.

But the Conquest Dragons were not about to yield so easily. They multiplied at an alarming rate, forming a living shield to protect their stronghold. "Multiply X2 X2 X2 X2!" they chanted, their numbers swelling to rebuff our assault.

The railcannon tore through their ranks, leaving a trail of carnage in its wake. Yet, for every enemy we felled, they multiplied anew, their resilience a testament to their unyielding determination.

"No...this battle is endless!" Darlix's despair echoed in the air, his frustration palpable.

Suddenly, a voice crackled over the radio, cutting through the despair like a beacon of hope. "Xenon squad, be advised. Conquest Dragons are converging on your position. I'll send you their coordinates." It was Hiraya's voice.

Darlix's expression shifted, determination sparking in his eyes. "I think I've figured out how to defeat that bastard once and for all."

"Please, enlighten me," I implored telepathically, my curiosity piqued.

"I'll channel all the magical power I have to multiply your Panzer cannons a thousandfold. Then, we'll lock onto every Conquest Dragon on this island," Darlix explained.

"But if you expend all your'll die," I cautioned, concern lacing my thoughts.

"But I have this as a bargaining chip," Darlix replied, revealing the Mark of Vesryn on his arm. "Invincibility doesn't suit me anyway."

I sighed heavily. "If you're willing to make that sacrifice, then I'll support you. Your life is more important to me than anything else."

"Charlotte," Darlix's eyes sparkled with mischief. "So you do care about me!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself," I chided telepathically. "You're just too dense to notice!"

"Alright!" Darlix's smile widened as he tightened his fists. "Let's show this multiplying idiot what true resolve looks like!"

As Hiraya uploaded the coordinates of the Conquest Dragons to Darlix's smart watch, I focused on sensing the dragonic mana within a three-kilometer radius. With keen eyes, I scanned the area, pinpointing every last Conquest Dragon.

"Target locked. Three hundred and fifty-three Conquest Dragons confirmed, all within a one-kilometer radius," I reported.

Darlix closed his eyes and invoked the power of the Mark of Vesryn. "With the authority of my Dragon Lord Commandment, I sacrifice my invincibility to unleash the ultimate power of the Panzer Dragon and vanquish our enemies!"

A golden light enveloped my dragonic form as I transformed into a towering fifty-meter-tall turtle, bristling with five hundred cannons upon my shell. Each cannon took aim at the Conquest Dragons before us, while others targeted those beyond our immediate reach.

"What the hell!?" The Conquest Dragons cried out in disbelief.

Before they could react, Darlix's voice rang out with determination. "Fortress Railcannon!"

With a deafening roar, all five hundred cannons unleashed their fury, their shells finding their targets with deadly precision. The hundred Conquest Dragons nearest to us met their end as their heads were obliterated by the relentless barrage. Even those too far for direct hits fell victim to the trajectory of my mortar shells.

In a breathtaking display of firepower, all three hundred and fifty-three Conquest Dragons were eradicated, their numbers dwindling to nothingness in the face of our overwhelming assault.

Finally, with four cannons trained on the bell tower, I unleashed a torrent of railcannon fire, shattering its foundations and bringing it crashing down with a resounding cacophony. The bell, once a symbol of tyranny, lay shattered on the ground, its toll silenced forever.

Exhausted and drained, I reverted from my dragon form to my human self, my strength waning as my knees threatened to give way. But before I could collapse, Darlix was there, his arms steady as he caught me.

"Whoops! Gotcha!" Darlix's voice was laced with amusement.

"T-Thanks," I muttered, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Anything for you, my queen," Darlix teased, his tone playful as he clicked his tongue and winked.

With the destruction of the bell tower, the dragonoids of the Republic were left powerless, their hold on Kraghelm shattered. The island, once isolated from its rightful dwarven inhabitants, was reclaimed, marking the end of the war.

As the first light of dawn bathed the fallen bell tower and the abandoned cathedral, the skies above were painted with the trails of victorious aircraft from the carrier.

"Now's the time for a celebratory kiss," Darlix declared, leaning in towards me.

But before I could react, instinct took over, and I slapped him away, startled by his sudden advance. He couldn't just kiss me out of the blue! So, with a cry, I slapped his left cheek with a resounding impact, my emotions in turmoil.

"Not so fast!"

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now