Chapter 11

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My back is killing me.

"Hey Mini it's me, Alex. It been a week, I know your tired from all the pain......but we need you to wake up," he sniffles, "I need you to wake up,"

Whose Alex and why does he need me to wake up.

I try to pry my eyes open but the harder I push the harder it is for me to keep consciousness.

And just like before I'm gone.

"When is she going to wake up." a vaguely familiar voice says.

"She's supposed to be up by now, we just have to wait until she is ready." someone says.

I try opening my eyes once again and it works.

God it bright in here

I look around the room and realize I'm in a hospital, or something like it.

Nobody's here.

 I try to sit up fully.

The key word here being try.

My head start spinning, and I can feel my intestines dancing the ballet.

I fall back onto the bed and star at the white ceiling.

All of a sudden, I start getting flashes of a dream.

No, a nightmare.

They're my memories.

I can feel my ear start to get supper hot,

I'm so embarrassed.

As I'm about to role onto my side and wallow in my shame.

The door opens revealing Alex.

When his eyes connect with mine, he gasps and rushes to the side of the bed and engulfs me in a smothering hug.

"You're finally awake," he peeped his voice cracking at the end.

"Why are you acting like this? We've only known each other a couple days." I stated trying to push him away.

"You're my sister-

"Dre, I know you want Dom to wake up but skipping sch-, Christipher stops midsentence and just stares at me and Alex.

When he finally snaps out of his stupor, he whips his phone out of his pocket almost dropping it and calls someone.

Them he rushes over and joins the hug, after a few second, they both back up giving me some well needed space.

Not even ten minutes later my other brothers and my father rush into the room.

Some of the boys hug me and the others pat me on the back.

Who the fuck pats someone on the back, what are the fifty?

The last per son to hug me is dad and he holds me life I'm his lifeline.

A soon as he pulls back, he says "I just need their names ange."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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