Chapter 10

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"Wake up mini the doctor is on her way"! someone shouts banging on the door.

My brain pulses as I regain consciousness.

All at once the memories from last night rush back to me.

His word jumble together and dissolve into my mind, my breaths start getting heavier and heavier as seconds passes.

I remember his hot breath on my neck and I'm frozen in place.




"MINI come on"! Alex bangs on the door again.

I get up walk to the door and open it just as he was goes slam his fist on it again.

"Bonjour soeur, the doctor is on her way and papa needs you to get ready." he says and runs away before I can respond.

Oh my God.

A doctor is coming.

"What the hell am I going to do"? I say to myself.

Cover up she doesn't need to see your skin to do a checkup.

"Good idea brain."


All my bruises are covered and I'm sitting in the main room waiting on the doctor to finish her conversation with Leopold so we can get this God-awful day over with.

I'm still daydreaming when the door opens.

The woman who I can already tell is the doctor walks in with her bag sets it on the table near me and sits a little too close to me on the sofa.

"Hi Dominique, I am doctor Sanchez its lovely to meet you." she says putting out her hand for me to shake and I take it.


" I'm just going to check your vitals and take some blood samples," she starts.


She moves over to the chair I'm sitting in and pulls out her statoscope and lifts my shirt.

I pull down my shirt to hide the marks scattered over my stomach.

She probably didn't see anything.

"Um....I'll just do it over the shirt," she squeaks.

She finishes up the leaves the room and I go upstairs.

She didn't even take the blood sample.


There is a knock on my door a few minutes late.

I open the door and my father and older brothers are standing outside the door.


"Show me." my father demands.

"What are you talking abou-"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about now lift your shirt and. SHOW.ME," he shouts.

All the blood drains from my face and I stumble back.

"No" I whisper creeping closer to the balcony.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way ange," my father says. (Angel)

I look back to see how far I would have to run to get to the door and as I'm about to move arms grip me and I'm pinned to the bed.

I instantly start panicking.

"We just want to help you mini," Alex whispers pinning my leg to the bed.

"Please don't do this to me lex," I beg staring into his eyes, and he looks away.

Then someone starts lifting my shirt, and a haze goes over my eyes.

"Daddy please stop," I scream as loud as I can, and everyone tenses but no one lets me go.

"Daddy don't do this please," I plead.

When my shirt is fully up, and my stomach is exposed, audible gasp sound around the room and my mind goes completely blank.


Her stomach is cover in bruises.

My baby

Mon ange

Mon etoile

Who did this to her?

Who the fuck had the audacity to hurt my chi-

A gut-wrenching scream pierces the air.

I look up into Dominique's face the eyes are glazed over and she's thrashing around in the boys' grips, and they immediately let her go.

She starts claw at every part of her body.

I rush over to her, she shrieks, pushes off of the bed and falls.

"Dom it's papa," I say softly.

"GET AWAY FROM ME," she screams and pulls at her.

I grab her hands and she head butts me.

"Fuck" I hiss.

I glance back at her, and her eyes fill with water,

I move slowly toward her, wrap my arm around her, she tucks her head into the crook of my neck and relaxes, and sit on the floor.

Her breaths start to even out and she goes limp in my arms.

What happened to you petite étoile.

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