Chapter 1

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Douglas is the last name of her kidnappers.

It's Friday again, I'm in Mrs. Cambell's math class which is mind numbingly boring, and it also means I have to spend another weekend with my parents. 

ugh, I hate Fridays. 

Don't get me wrong, I love the weekends and all, it's just that my parents aren't really loving.

which actually means their abusive.

Shut up 

"Ms. Douglas, did you just tell me to shut up?" Mrs. Camble asked. It's then I realize I've said that out loud.

"Umm.... no." I say it more of like a question than a statement.

"Just because you think your smart and wealthy doesn't give you a reason to disrespect me in my own classroom young lady." She says in her usual bitchy tone.

"I didn't know that you bought the classroom" The whole class bursts out into laughter then I continue" and I wasn't being disrespectful you're just overreacting."

I see her whole face turn red and I know I'm in deep shit now.

"Leave my class right now " she says. 

That's what a smart mouth gets you.

I'm going to go crazy.

Too late.

Be quiet for once.

I grab my bag and head to the principal's office. 


When I get into the office Ms. Richards the principle is sitting there with a scowl.

She really hates when I'm here.

"Ms. Douglas y-"

I cut her off before she can speak. "I know I have detention".

"No I'm sending you home for the day" Ms. Richars says

"What why-" she cuts me off.

"You are such a smart girl why do you keep getting yourself into these situations?" she asks 

"It's fun" I reply

"You are so smart yet so stupid" she says. Then continues "Leave my office and go home please".


*At home*

I wipe away the fog from the mirror.

Looking at the person in the mirror a shell of who she was before, look at the bruises on that cover 50% of my body, on my stomach, my back, my thighs, my arms, my neck.

I feel like I'm going to vomit as I stare at the huge bruise that covers my neck in the shape of my father's hand.

Memories of what happened two days ago resurface.

My hands start shaking, and my breath shallows.


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