Chapter 3

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I get to the police station, and they instantly start questioning me. 

"Miss Douglas, where were you between the hours of eleven and twelve-thirty?" one of the police officers ask me.

I don't answer him because I'm still in shock.

No because of my parents' death. But because I have no home to go too nowhere to live.

"Officer Daniel's are you aware that you shouldn't question a minor without a parent or legal guardian present?" a blond woman in white dress shirt and a tight black pencil skirt, who looks like she's in her mid-twenties asks.

" It's actually none of your business what I do Miss. Lewis." he retorts.

"Actually, it is my business when I'm her social worker." she say and I finally look up, I am met with two brown eyes staring into mine.

She sends me a smile that I don't return, and crouches down in front of me.

"I'm Maddison Lewis but you can call me Maddie, I'm your social worker. You can talk to me about whatever honey." she says. 

Yeah right

"Now can I interview my suspect?" the arrogant asshole from before asked.

"Yes, you may", she mocks.

"And tell the princess she needs to answer my questions." he say.

She looks over at me and I nod my head giving her an 'ok'.

"Where were you between the hours of eleven and twelve-thirty?" he asks.

"I was in the parking lot of Club Phynix." I mutter.

"And what were you doing there?" he asks.

" Sleeping." I say softly trying not to let my anxiety show.

They both shared a look, and I knew exactly what they were thinking.

"Do you have anyone who was with you at that time?" he asks.

"Yes, my best friend Warren Fane, can I call him he must be wondering where I went," I say.

"No need he's already here." he says.

"Can I talk to him," I ask.

"After they question him and, in the meantime, why don't we get you change into some comfy clothes and then we run your DNA through the data base to find any relative." the social worker, Marrissa or whatever her name is, says.

"Ok" I mutter changing my whole demeanor.

She walks me to a room small white and I'm given white t-shirt and black sweatpants.

I get changed and leave the room.

When I get out, I met by a woman in her late thirties with gloves and cotton swabs.

Half an hour later after they are finished taking samples, Warren walks towards me with a worried look on his face and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. He probably thinks I'm going to lose my mind. 

"Esne bene?" he asks in Latin. (Are you okay)

"Ego bonus sum." I reassure. (I'm okay)

We sit and talk for about an hour when he asks, " Where do you think you'll go?"

I don't respond.

If he asks me another question I'm going to break.

He goes to speak when the door opens and Margret walks in.

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