Chapter 4

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 I stare into her beautiful green eye and know that's my baby girl, Mon étoile. (My star)

I've been searching the glob for the past fifteen years to no avail, but now I've found her, and I won't fail her again.

I stare at her eyes a little while longer before saying, "Bonjour, Mon étoile."

She looks at me confused.

She probably doesn't speak French.

She then turns to Maddison, the social worker, and asks, "Did the fire reach the garage."

Maddison looks confused but says, "No."

"When can I get my car?"she asks.

"That's up to your father." Maddison replied.

Dominique turns to me and scowls,  "Care to elaborate on how you're my father." 

A boy about her age put his hands on her shoulder andwhispers something in her ear, and she laughs.

C'est quoi ça? (What the hell?)

"No touching." I snap, and his arms immediately fall to his sides.

"I'd like speak to my daughter in private." I say.

"You can go to the room down the hall and to the left." Maddison says.

Dominique turns to me and says, "Lead the way."

I go to the room with Dominique trailing behind, when we get inside says.

"You still haven't explained how he's, my father." she says.

She looks just like her mother.

"You were kidnapped days before your first birthday fifteen years ago." I say.

She says quite for a while, then, she bursts out laughing.

When she finally regains her composure, she stares at me as if realizing that I was serious.

"They were always the monsters under my bed." She whispers as s tear runs down her cheek, then a sob rips from her throat.

I rush to her, as she slumps to the ground, her whole body is shaking and her breathing is rapid, stops crying for a minute, then begins to sob even louder.

She stopped crying, and I hold her in my arms for a while longer her breathing evens, and I realize that she's asleep.

I lift her into my arms and leave the station and take her out to my car.

"Go into the station and pick up her things." I command Rubio, one of my men and turn away without hearing his response.

I lay her on the back seat, and as I'm about to enter the car, that boy from before come rushing to me, Rubio behind him, I immediately pulled my gun out and point it to his head.

He freezes.

"What do u want, boy?" I grit out

"I w-was just to b-bring her ba-," I cut him off by dragging the bag from his hands and get into the car

 Dominique still sleeping so I put her things in the back.

Turning to my driver, I say. "Il est temps de rentrer à la maison Philip." (Time to go home Philip)

"Oui, patron," he says. (Yes boss)

When we pull onto the highway, I remember her car. 

Pulling out my phone I dial Rubio's number, when he picks up, I say, "Get someone to drive over her car," then I hang up.

We arrive at the landing strip after an hour; I turn back and see Dominique is still asleep.

I make my way out of the car and to the other side of the car, opening the door, lifting her, and taking her to one of the rooms on the jet.

I get to my seat and my phone starts ringing, I groan as I see the name of my youngest son appear on the screen.

I reluctantly answer the phone," Oui, Alex."

"I can find my car keys," he says.

" Seriously this is why you called me." I say annoyed.

"No, I also missed you. Where are you anyway?" he asks.

"I'm flying from Berkshire now.  I'll be home to night." I explain.

"Why were you in the Uk?" he questions.

"You'll find out when I get home, tell the boy to get ready for family meeting." I say before hanging up. 

It's seven o'clock when we land.

I go to wake up Domonique and find her already awake.

I enter the bedroom and say, " We just landed, we have to go to the car, where going home to meet your brothers."

Her eyes widen into saucers as she asks, "Brother's plural?"

"Yes, nine to be exact." I respond.

"You must have been having lots of fun." I hear her mutter under her breath.

Just like her mother.

"Am I going to meet my mother too?" she asked.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes," she says.

"She passed," I say.

"How did she pass." She asks.

"She was murdered." I say.

"Oh," Her eyes flash with hurt as she says, "I'm sorry for asking." 

"She's your mother you deserve to know." I tell her, "Now let's get to the house."

We get out of the plane and into the car.

 "Am I getting my car back." she asks.

"Yes, it's being driven over, so it'll be here in the morning" I says.

"What type of car was it," I ask out of curiosity. 

"What's the color?" I ask.

"Red." she answers.

"Do you have a license?" I ask.

"I have a permit." she says.

 We pull up the to the house and she tenses.

"It's going to be just fine." I try to comfort her.

We get out of the car and head into the house.

When were in the foyer I call for my oldest sons, "Christohper, Christian,"

I hear way more than two footsteps come towards us.

I look to Dominique and notice she's moved behind me.

 All the boys enter the room and Christohper asks, " Père, pourquoi cette rencontre soudaine et ce voyage secret dans le Berkshire?" (Father, why the sudden meeting and secret trip to the Berkshire?)

"I've found your baby sister." I say as I watch their eyes widen.

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