18| The only one

14 1 0

(Paon's pov)

"You have to be kidding me."

I glared at Marinette and Alya as they stood in front of my door.

"You really expect me to come and help y'all after you threw me aside and tried to remove me off of the team?" I snapped, furiously.

Both of them were trying to persuade me to help them because none of them could use their miraculous right now.

"Please Paon. I admit that I was wrong. I know that I was wrong. I should have just trusted you..." Marinette spoke up.

I pondered her statement in silence.

"If I really were to consider your idea, what would I get in return?" I asked.

I wasn't just going to drop everything and help them so easily, not now that my trust in them is broken.

"Do we really need to bargain? You are our friend after all." Alya said.

Leaning against the door frame, I smirked.

"And what makes you think that I'm willing to do anything for y'all so willingly? Y'all did try and remove me after all. Not to mention, sneaking into my house without permission. I believe that that is a crime that even superheroes cannot commit."

Alya stared at me dumbfounded whilst Marinette looked down in what I guessed was shame.

"You guys BROKE into her house?!" Alya gasped in pure shock and disbelief.

"Yes, twice as a matter of fact." I replied, before the guardian could speak.

"Mari!" Alya cried out.

"Look, the house was already unlocked, I just entered her room through the balcony." The guardian replied.

"And yes I know what I did was wrong. I really am sorry Paon. I had no right to go into your home, go behind your back, lie to you and not trust you." She added.

I smiled, not a fake but real, genuine smile.

"That's all I needed to hear from you. I just needed to know that you knew you were in the wrong."

Mari smiled.

"Paon, I mean every word. I'm really really sorry for everything-"

I nodded.

"You guys, I would like you to meet someone. Follow me." I led the way into my home, not watching to see if they followed or not.

To my surprise, both stepped in immediately.

I smiled slightly to myself, before leading them upstairs to my room.

(Cyn's pov)

I slid back into Paon's home through her balcony just as she and two of Paris's heroes walked up.

"Well well well, isn't this interesting." I smirked.

Ladybug, or right now Marinette stared at me in shock.

"This is your friend?!" She gasped.

Still feeling sly, I nodded.

"The name's Cyn, or Solvers to my enemies. And yes we have already met."

Marinette backed up a bit, almost in fear.

"Cyn stop scaring my friends every time you end up in Paris." Paon said, with a laugh.

I grinned.

"Fine, I'll stop scaring them, but for now I must go."

And with that I took my leave and vanished.

(Alya's pov)

I kind of hated the fact that we had come and bothered Paon.

Even though she said that she had forgiven and forgotten what Mari had done. I'm pretty sure that at least part of her was still wary of us, and didn't trust us, especially Marinette.

As it also turns out, Paon's friend that she introduced us to was none other than Paris's new terrorizer, the solver god.

Before coming over with Mari, I had done some research on Solvers and found out a lot. None of it was good for us.

The newspaper clipping that caught my attention the most was one from another universe.

It talked all about how the Solver god had literally wiped out an entire army of people with powers with the snap of her finger-

Another news report that I read up on was one talking about how Solvers had destroyed not one but two entire planets for sport basically.


I turned to Mari, realizing that I had tuned out.

"Sorry girl, I zoned."

"That's alright. Can I ask what you were thinking about? I called your name six times and you still didn't answer me."

I grinned.

"Yeah, I was thinking about the Solver god, and some reading that I had done up on her."

"Oh? What did you learn?"

I handed her a notepad with some things that I had jotted down.

"Look up some of these things I wrote down. Most of them are various names that the Solver god goes by, or really her name is Cyn."

Marinette scanned the list of names that I had handed her.



"Her powers are immense....is it possible she has something to do with the kwamis gone missing?" My best friend questioned.

I thought about this and must admit that she was right. The Solver god did have immense power and she could get away with anything. The question is, would she really do something like this quietly when she knows she can't be punished?

Out loud I said, "I believe it might be possible that it's her, but at the same time, what would be her motive?"

"When you think about it, it could be a demonstration of power. I mean if I were as powerful as I've heard that she is, I would want to show off you know?" Mari replied.

I thought about this.

"I agree, yet I still feel like somehow it isn't her."

"And I completely understand Als. I just want Tikki back..." My best friend replied.

I felt for her. I was missing Trixx in the exact same way.

"What do you say we get Adrien and Nino and go out for some ice cream?" I asked.

Marinette smiled at this prospect. "Yeah I think that we all deserve a break, but now I just thought of something else that worries me."


"If we all lost our kwamis- did Monarch as well?"

"Oh crap, that's a very viable question-"

"Cause if he didn't-" She started.

"Then Paris is in huge trouble...." I finished.

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