~//Chapter thirteen [encounter with Yveltal] \\~

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Serena P.O.V

As soon as Ash and I arrived at the cafeteria, we started looking for a place to sit. We quickly spotted a table for four, where two seats were already taken by Ash's friend Gary and my bestie Shauna. They were chatting about something, and we joined them without hesitation. Ash took the seat next to Gary, and I sat beside Shauna.

We all began our breakfast, and the conversation quickly turned to Ash and Gary's adventures in the Kanto and Johto regions. Ash started recounting his encounters with the legendary beast trio, Lugia, and Ho-oh. Listening to his stories, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when he mentioned a girl who had kissed him in Johto. But that feeling was nothing compared to the shock I felt when he told us about the time he almost died while saving the Johto region. My heart nearly stopped.

Just as Ash was wrapping up his story, the university's alarm bell rang, signaling the end of our break. We quickly gathered our things and headed to our classes.


After attending our class, it was lunch time. I went to find Ash and asked him if he wanted to walk with me to the cafeteria. He replied, "Sure, let's go!" while pumping his fist into the air like an excited kid. I couldn't help but laugh a little at his enthusiasm, and then we both headed to the cafeteria.

After a short walk, we reached the cafeteria and took the same seats as we did in the morning with Gary and Shauna. Once we finished our lunch, the conversation shifted to the adventures Shauna and I had in the Kalos region. I started telling them about how I was inspired by the former Kalos Queen, Areya, and decided to become a Kalos Queen myself. I also recounted how I met Shauna while traveling and competing in my first showcase.

As my story came to an end, the break time was over, so we decided to head back to our classes.

Ash P.O.V


Today's classes were particularly boring, and as our university day was about to end, I suddenly heard Mewtwo's voice. It sounded really important and urgent.
Mewtwo:-Ash listen Ash it's really important you need telepot here in next 10 .
Ash:- what happened you sound really panic, is everything okay.
Mewtwo :- nothing is Okey Ash just come here as soon as possible otherwise it's too late for do something.
Ash:- okay Mewtwo I am there in 5 minutes
Mewtwo:-please hurry up

As soon as Mewtwo ended his telepathic message, the university day came to an end. I quickly went to find Serena and said, "I'm sorry, Serena, but I have some important work to do. Please go to the dorm room alone." She looked a bit disappointed and sad, but knowing that Mewtwo would never contact me without a crucial reason, I knew I had to leave. After Serena walked away, I teleported to Mewtwo, asking, "So, tell me what happened."

Mewtwo replied, "You see, when I was training with Mew in the woods, we saw some members of Team Rainbow Rocket. We followed them and discovered one of their hideouts. Inside, they were doing something to a little Froakie, but more alarming was the cocoon of destruction we found - the legendary Pokémon Yveltal. If Yveltal wakes from his sleep, it could cause immense destruction and death to countless innocent Pokémon and people. We need to save Yveltal and Froakie from them."

Upon hearing this, I nodded and turned to Mew. "Okay, Mew, teleport us there." Mew nodded, and in the next second, I found myself in the middle of a forest, standing in front of a building. "Mew, you stay outside and give us updates. Mewtwo, come with me," I instructed. We then entered the hideout, with Mewtwo leading the way.

As we reached the room where Yveltal was kept, we saw around 70 soldiers guarding the cocoon. Mewtwo and I silently knocked out each soldier one by one, tying them up to ensure they wouldn't pose any further threat. As I was about to touch Yveltal, Mewtwo stopped me. "I suggest you don't disturb him. If Yveltal awakens, he can absorb all life force from everything around him until he turns back into a cocoon."

I nodded in agreement, and Mewtwo teleported Yveltal to a safe location. Using my psychic powers, I put all the remaining soldiers to sleep and tied them up with ropes and wires. I then sent all the data to the G-Man forces, informing them about the situation and ensuring they would handle the rest. After releasing all the Pokémon, a Froakie decided to stay with me, so I caught him and then teleported back to the university.

When I returned to my dorm, Serena was waiting for me. She asked, "So, where did you go after the university class ended?" I replied, "I'll tell you tomorrow evening, but for now, please don't ask anything related to this topic." We then had dinner, watched a movie, and finally went to our separate bedrooms to sleep.


Sure, here is the text rewritten with the first-person perspective:


So, this is today's chapter. I know it's short, but please understand that my schedule is getting busier and sometimes I don't get time to study. I hope you understand.

Anyways, good night, sweet dreams, and see you later with the next chapter.
Over and out

This fanart I find on internet i really love it ,so decided shared this with you guys
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