Chapter 14

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__________D E L O R A____________

"Hold kjeft. Jeg liker ham ikke. verken på den måten eller på en normal måte." I said
[Shut up. I don't like him. Neither in that way nor in a normal way]

"Men du rødmet da han komplimenterte deg" Lina kind of whined while i sighed.
[But you blushed when he complemented you]

"Jeg gjør ikke. Det skjønner du ?" I said sternly while she scoffed.
[I do not. you get that ?"]

"Ummmm folkens, jeg antar at vi bør endre emnet og språket." Grace said while she pointed at Adriano with her eyes.
{Ummmm Guys , I guess we should change the subject and the language ]

I nodded in return while lina rolled her eyes.

"Don't think i'll forget about it. I hereby announce an official interrogation with Delora Bridget Evrette " Lina said with a smirk at the end while i looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Do whatever you want but my answer will remain the same " i said and shrugged.

"What are you guys talking about ? Cuz all i see is you two quarrelling " Adriano says and Lina smirks.

"oh we are just talking about a dress. Lina is saying it's beautiful while my opinion is that it is gross and I fucking hate it. The dress " I said while lina gave me an amused look.

"But it'll look good on you. The dress is beautiful. Every girl would die to get it and you are getting it for free. well kinda free " She said while Adriano was confused and Grace laughed at all 3 of us.

"How are you so sure that the dress will look good on me ? What if it doesn't ? What if doesn't match my standards ?" I said and raised my brow

"You won't know until you try it " She said while she throwed her hands in the air.

"I can check  whether the dress is for me or not. And are we for real fighting for a dress ? Forgot about our promise and the girl's code so quickly ?" I said and tilted my head to the side while lina shook her head at mu statement

"We aren't fighting for a dress. I'm just telling you that the dress is good" she said and I shook my head.

"Maybe she is right del. The dress, might look good on you. Maybe it does match your standards. I mean, look at it " Grace said and i looked at her in disbelief.

"Oh my fucking god. Not you too " i whined while she laughed.

"Okay guys please stop it. I'm getting hella confused here " Adriano said and looked at us with pleading eyes. Us girls looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

"okay we are sorry. We'll try not to do it again " Grace said while we both nodded.

"Thank you. Shou-" Adriano was cut off by soemthing or should I say someone. The voice I didn't hear since 3 fucking years and i wish i wouldn't hear it today either. But i guess things don't go like we want them to, do they ever ? 

"I see you are having the best time of your life Deryn " He called out. The name i didn't hear from the past 3 years. Did he recognise me ? There was no way he could. There was no way. He wouldn't recognise me. He couldn't. He just fucking wouldn't be able to.

"All i see now is fame, money, power, glory. Great for you, I guess. But you forgot about yoru father and now you'll say 'you are not my fucking father, he is dead'  wont you ?" he said and even had the audacity to call him my father once again. My real, biological father is dead. he is fucking dead and i'm not this motherfucker's daughter. If i were, then i would have been long dead.

"By the way, How's Nat ? I hope she is doing just fine " he said. Him and his fucking audacity. How dare he bring up Nat in this. She has nothing do with us. Whatever is between us, is between fucking us and not Nat 

"Oops I forgot she is in heaven. Sorry for bringing that up. I hope you are doing fine too Deryn. Take care of yourself, until i come to take you back home " He said and just like that my world stop. What does he fucking mean when he said to take me back home ? i know when he said 'take care ' he meant that i should be ready. To be taken away once again. 

What the fucking fuck does he want from me now ? He's already taken everything from me. What does he want now ? Me ? My life ? Athena or her life ? Lina or her family ? Grace ? what does he want. 

suddenly the lights were back and i saw the guards with their guns. Everyone had theirs too except for me, grace and Lina. 

"NO NEED TO WORRY. It was just a prank. Right Mr Abdavlo ?" I shouted across the ball room.

"Yeah. yeah it was a prank. There's no intruder. We just made it up. Sorry if you guys were startled, please continue " He said back and then everyone chuckled or either laughed then got back to their own conversations.

"Del, I-" lina came near me and started but i raised my hand in order to stop her. Grace kind of distracted Adriano with a convo so he wasn't paying attention to us.

"J-Just don't say a-anything and I'll be f-fine" My voice cracked a bit because of the never ending lump in my throat. 

"Are you sure ?" She asked and I nodded.

"Can you find A-Athena for me ?" I asked her and she nodded. 

"I'm going to get myself a drink " I told to Grace and Adriano and they nodded.

Grace understood where I was going so she nodded with a smile while her eyes asked if i was okay and needed her or not. 

I went towards the bar to show them I was going there but then took a turn towards the washroom and locked it as I slid down against the door.

Why ? Just why the fuck does he wants me ? why me out of 7.951 billion people in this world ? Why me ? Can't he just leave me alone ? He obviously fucking can't. I wish mom dad was here. I wish Ashton was here to help me out. I wish all my brothers were. I wish dove was here. i miss you guys so fucking much. where the hell are you ? I miss you, don't you see it ? I want you guys back. I want my family back. I want my childhood back. I want every fucking thing back which was taken by him. I want you here mom, dad, Ashton, Ace, Nathan, Lucas, Cameron, Domenico, Dove. I FUCKING MISS YOU ALL...........


No there weren't tears in my eyes while i wrote the last chapter, it was just allergies. Nothing else. Sorry for ghosting you all for so many days or weeks i guess. i'll try to post. bye for now

love you all *Heart emojis*


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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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