• Chapter 11 •

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_____________D E L O R A______________

I groaned lightly as i walked in the class. It was chemistry.

The lone subject i hate the most.

I went at the back of the class and sat down. I don't really care but I have to do this.

The teacher entered and started teaching but i really wasn't listening.

Also is wearing that sage green dress worth it for today. I mean, I have to reveal both of my identity today.

Nightmare and the Donna of the American Mafia. Damn that sounds powerful.

Probably because both of them are powerful and sexy as fuck. Hehe.

I have definitely gone mad. But seriously, is that dress worth it for today ?

I was broken out of my trance when the teacher suddenly said something about a group project.

I looked at Felicia, who's really great at this and somehow she was also looking at me. I asked her with my hands if she would like to be my project partner and she happily agreed.

But both of our happiness was destroyed by that teacher.

"I'll be choosing partners for you all " he said and the whole class groaned in annoyance.

He rolled his eyes and started calling out names of different students.

"Garret Grey and Jake Henderson.
  Isabelle Nicolini and Ranger William
  Felix Griffin and Skyler Lopez "

Please be Felicia as my partner
Please be Felicia as my partner
Please be Felicia as my partner
Please be Felicia as my partner
Please be Felicia as my partner

"Felicia Swan and Drake Eaton " all my hopes crashed when that dumb as fuck teacher said that. I don't even remember his name.

He kept on saying the names of the students while i looked at Felicia.

Felicia had an apologetic looks on her face and I gave her a smile in return.

"Eleazar Denali and Santiago Uley
Delora Everett and Adriano Ferrari
Benjamin Alan and Irina Hope. That's all the students I guess. " My world stopped and my eyes widened when he said that fucker's  name with mine.

I looked at him and he was talking to some girl. It was Eleazar he was talking to, more like flirting with.

She giggled at something he said and blushed while he had a smirk on his face. He was saying something when his eyes locked with mine.

I didn't look away. Instead I raised my eyebrow and looked at Eleazar and then at him before rolling my eyes and packing my bag because the bell rang while I was busy looking at them flirting with each other.

I shoved the book in my bag and got out of the class. I headed towards my locker and saw Grace on her phone.

"Hey girl " i said with a sigh at the end. She looked up and frowned.

"What's with the sad face ?" She asked dna di rolled my eyes while i took out that chemistry book from my bag and shoved it in the locker.

"That dumb chemistry teacher whose name I forgot paired me up with Ferrari for a project. " I whined and she chuckled lightly but then stopped when I glared at her.

"Don't laugh at my situation" I said and slammed my locker shut. I turned around and saw Adriano standing dangerously close to me

"Are you mad because I'm paired with you ?" He asked and i rolled my eyes. I need to stop doing that.

Illicit Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें