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Reader: Vampire
Genre: Smut ( Top Y/n )

It wasn't often that Micheal had the chance to be fully alone in the house

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It wasn't often that Micheal had the chance to be fully alone in the house. Lucy was on a date, which Micheal hopped was not with a vampire again, Sam was over with the Frog brothers, probably plotting something for the werewolf they kept assuring was real, and Grandpa was on a date as well with the Widow Johnson. Micheal didn't feel like going out, I mean, but when would this opportunity come up again?

He stayed in his room, watching the tapes he had rented from the boardwalk. The movies he picked weren't very interesting, mostly romantic comedies with no plot other than 'girl mad at boy, then they make up' which was overused enough. He sighed and chucked his empty popcorn bag over to the trash, missing it by a mile.

Getting up, he went to put in another tape, already bored with the one showing. If he would have known how boring watching only tapes would be, he would not have spent forever trying to get his grandfather on board him having a tv, better yet he could have used the money he earned for it on something else maybe more fun and useful.

He discarded of the tape, not bothering to rewind it and grabbed another one from the pile, pulling it out of the cover and putting it into the player. The TV fuzzed for a moment before it clicked on, the grey static fading away and revealing a pretty enough picture of a beach. Micheal yawned and went back to his bed, sitting down and getting comfortable, hoping that this movie would at least be good enough to keep on.


As thought, the movie was mostly a bust. It wasn't a romantic comedy, but instead Micheal seemed to have grabbed something more adult. That didn't make the film any better, but Micheal had a little more of a laugh than with the other ones. It came to middle, when the main character, a blonde woman named Rose, came home from a date, dragging her boyfriend, also a blonde, as they went into the apartment.

Micheal blinked as they started to kiss once again, with it getting more intense by the second.

The door was locked, the couple had stumbled further inside, the main character pressed up against the wall beside the front door as her boyfriend's hands went all over her body. Her legs spread over so slightly to allow them to get closer together, her dress rising up by the man's hands.

Micheal felt like he was committing some sort of crime. He may have been eighteen, but he hadn't really watched things like this before, at least not on a tv screen with the volume up. Micheal was well adjusted to leaving the sounds up to his imagination, just watching. He felt like a young teenager again, absentmindedly getting closer to the screen, his jeans forming an uncomfortable bulge that hardly went unnoticed.

Micheal bit his lip and lowered his hand down to his pants, palming the fabric of his jeans where his bulge was rising. Knock Knock! Micheal jumped and swung his head over to the window by his bed, where the noise had come from. There was a dark shadow behind the curtain, which Micheal knew couldn't be anyone other than one of the vampires. He placed his bets on either Paul or Y/n, seeing as Paul came by every now and then to ask Micheal if he could hide out from Marko and his pranks, and Y/n—well, it would only make sense of him to come, seeing as he was Micheal's partner.

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