
392 4 0

Reader: Vampire
Genre: Fluff?

Y/n - Your Name or Insert Name
L/n - Last Name
E/c - Eye Color
H/c - Hair Color
H/l - Hair Length

: Edgar gets to watch Y/n while his brother, Sam and Micheal get the house ready for battle.

Edgar furrowed his eyebrows at his brother, annoyed that this subject was even being approached

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Edgar furrowed his eyebrows at his brother, annoyed that this subject was even being approached.

"One of us has to stay with him. He's the only one awake except for Micheal."

Sam said, looking between the two brothers. It wasn't going to be him, that he knew for sure of. He already had enough to deal with, with his brother Micheal, adding another vampire on top of it, who didn't seem to be the friendliest was not on his list of things to be doing at the moment. The only reason Y/n had been rescued along with Star and Laddie, was because both Micheal and Star swore up and down, he was not in any wrong and hadn't drank any blood. Edgar, Alan and Sam didn't really agree with that.

"It's not going to be me."

Sam said quickly, holding his hands up in defense. Alan rolled his eyes and looked at his brother, basically telling him he wasn't going to be the one either. Edgar opened his mouth to disagree, but Micheal came in and put his hands on his little brother's shoulders, sweating a little. He looked around at the boys and took a shaky breath.

"It's getting dark, we need to get a move on."

Alan nodded, shoving a stake to his brother. Edgar huffed and looked down at it.

"No way man."

"Come on, someone has to watch him."

"Why does it have to be me?!"

Alan opened his mouth, but stopped when Sam shook his head. The blond had a plan, something that the Frog brother could not resist or deny.

"We need someone we can trust to do it, you know, keep Y/n on his feet and under control. If you can't do that--"

Edgar is quick to intervene with a quick shove to Sam's chest to make him quiet, shaking his head as he lugged the steak over his shoulder into his backpack. Micheal rolled his eyes at the younger boy and nodded, patting Sam's shoulders and whispering a quick 'come on.' while walking away to the kitchen. Alan patted his brother's chest and nodded, looking somewhat proud.

"Give him hell."

He said, his voice low and deep. Edgar nodded, huffing at his friend and brother before looking up the stairs to his certain doom. What awaited him was one moody vampire who he had only met once, and that was just a few minutes ago when they had gone to the nest to find and kill the head vampire. Y/n had growled and hissed for a moment before he realized he was being taken to safety, then he only stayed silent for the drive back to the house, hiding under the blanket with Star.

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