Sam *2*

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Reader: Human
Genre: Fluff

* This is a part 2 to the last chapter*

The longer the last class went on, the more Sam started to get nervous

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The longer the last class went on, the more Sam started to get nervous. What was he thinking? Was the Frog brother's comic shop really the best place to get to know someone? Sam had basically been working there ever since the vampire fight, he just didn't get paid with actual money, instead he was able to take home one comic. Was the workplace the best place to get to know someone?

When the bell decided to ring, Sam nearly jumped out of his skin. He let out a deep breath, quickly grabbing his pencils and shoving them into the pencil case. He listened vaguely to the teacher's quick explanation on the Friday test but didn't pay much attention to anything else other than making sure all of his stuff was in his backpack.

He raced past his teacher, getting out into the hallway. He looked around the filled hall, trying to find where the Frog brothers were. He caught sight of Alan near the lockers, so he pushed past the other students to get to him, now standing beside him. Alan looked over and nodded at Sam. He never did smile much.

"So, what happened with Y/n?"

Alan asked, closing up his locker. Sam opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by Edgar, who came up behind him.

"He doesn't like you, huh?"

Edgar said, a fake sense of sadness in his eyes. Sam rolled his eyes and leaned against the locker behind him, hoping that whoever the locker belonged to had already been there to put their things away. Alan scoffed a laugh, crossing his arms. He obviously thought the same.

"Jeez guys, no! He wants to hang out."

Sam answered. Alan and Edgar shared glances at each other.


Alan asked, leaning to one side. Sam gulped and cracked an awkward smile.


Edgar's eyebrows raised, seeming a little impressed that Y/n had agreed. He nodded, checking around to see if there was any sign of Y/n around the halls.


Sam chuckled nervously. Obviously, there would be no reason for the Frog brothers to be angry about someone coming into their shop, in fact as long as there was at least one purchase, they didn't mind some people just hanging around. Still, Sam was nervous about the fact that he had just invited Y/n without a word to them.


Sam said quietly, his voice barely coming above the people passing around them. Alan didn't say anything as he slugged his bag over his shoulder, something Sam was grateful for in hindsight. Edgar seemed to have more of a problem with it, he looked at Sam with a 'what the hell?' face.

"We have to work, Sam."

Edgar muttered, not liking the idea of having someone taking Sam's attention away from actual working. It was hard enough running the shop with their parents asleep in the background, but at least Sam helped some. Sam held his hands up in defense of himself.

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