David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko

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Reader: Not Specific
Genre: Fluff

Y/n was an inch away from pulling out his hair

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Y/n was an inch away from pulling out his hair. Never before had it been this hard, even with four very obsessive vampires at his side, they at least agreed to one thing-this was different of course, as Marko so happily called it 'a very special event!' which was their first date. Dates? Y/n was still unsure how to work all of this out. It was a blessing that they all agreed to date at once, but a curse at the same time. How do you deal with four vampires pulling on your arms, looking like they're about to 'vamp out'?

"I'm telling you man; the beach is where we should go! It's crawling with people, and they're always partying!"

Paul had put his idea out on the imaginary table, lighting his cigarette, or joint, Y/n couldn't tell.

"Nuh uh, we should totally go up to the cliff overlooking the boardwalk. It's a make out point!"

Marko had intervened, shooting a glance to Y/n as he spoke. Y/n rolled his eyes at the comment. 'Right. It won't look strange taking turns to make out with four guys.' He thought.

"No, we need somewhere quiet, like the bridge. Besides, that's where we first met Y/n."

Dwayne said in his usual colder tone. Y/n smiled at the memory of them meeting, even though it was terrifying at first. Seeing four men walking up to you in the middle of the night of the way home was not the ideal plan, luckily, they spared Y/n because of his 'good looks'.

"You're a sap, Dwayne. When did you get so sweet?~"

Marko cooed, gaining a glare in response. He didn't disagree; Dwayne stood his ground even if it was silent. David finally yawned, getting bored at their ideas. He sat back in his wheelchair and lifted his leg over the other one.

"Why don't we go to the boardwalk? Those rides just opened again, not too many lines, and perhaps we'd find something to eat."

Y/n didn't mind that idea. He didn't mind any of the ideas! Paul had a good point; besides, those people usually scored some weed, which was a bonus. Marko's plan, albeit straightforward and a little awkward, didn't seem that horrible either. With the boardwalk fully open, people were bound to be making out there instead of 'make out point'. Dwayne's plan was sweet and thoughtful, Y/n liked that idea more than the others, it was sentimental, but at the same time, Y/n knew deep down, Dwayne just wanted to hang around under it. David's plan, although 'basic', seemed the most fun. Rides, classic carnival like foods and buying useless things just for the hell of it seemed fun.

"Boring! My idea is better."

Paul hyped, coming behind David and pushing him forward slightly. David rolled his eyes, waving the taller blonde off.


David muttered, looking over at Y/n. Y/n knew what was coming now. The question that would jeopardize his whole existence.

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