03| 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

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A structure could be seen in the distance with many ships around it, the sun was hidden in the clouds and had an orange color.

A man stands inside a small winged structure being carried by four dragons tied by chains. When they landed, some guards raised their bows but the man continues walking with his dragons at his side.

The man stops, smirking at the sound of men clamoring and dragons roaring ahead. There were many dragons fighting for their freedom. A Nadder races off, flying before being shot down by a net.

The Deathgrippers passed between the cages causing fear among the little baby dragons. A group of guards stood in front of a large map with miniature ships

— The dragon riders attacked us here, off the easter..—The guard changes the location of a boat and takes it forward.—

Another guard takes a boat, imitating an explosion as he collides it with their boat.

— Ragnar! —A woman scolds the man for playing at that time.—

— Um, sorry..—

— My dear warlords! —The man's voice greets them, making everyone turn to look at him. He removes his hood from him, fixing his disheveled hair.— How go your plans to conquer the world? —

— Grimmel, my old friend. —Ragnar lets out a laugh, playfully swinging his fists.— Thank you for coming.. —When he wanted to hug Grimmel, a Deathgripper jumped on top of Ragnar, making him let out a nervous laugh as he raised his hands in peace.—

— A year since drago's defeat, and no further along with your dragon army, I see.. —Grimmel smiles fakely at them as he walks towards the map.—

— You can thank the young chief of berk for that..—The woman says upset while crossing her arms.—

— Stoick's boy? —Grimmel questions, pausing.—

— Yep, he and his peace-loving dragon riders continue to raid our ships and steal our dragons..—Ragnar was fighting the Deathgripper and that the saliva that fell from the dragon did not touch his face.—

— Mm. That does sound like a nuisance.. —He nods slightly, raising his eyebrows.— But I'm in the business of killing dragons, not retrieving them. —

— But, grimmel...—

— That idiot boy has done all of the work for you, gathering the dragons in one place.. —Grimmel reports walking around the place.— Why bother me? —

— Because the flock is protected by a night fury.. —

Grimmel stops surprised by that news, his eyebrows furrowing at that as he shakes his head.

— Not possible.. —

— It seems one slipped through your fingers.. —

— Look, berk's dragons will follow the Alpha. So we'll pay you to capture him and bring the flock to us.. —He looks at his companions, pausing before speaking again with a sideways smile.— We even have your favorite bait..—

Grimmel raises a brow, turning to where the man pointed. His eyes caught a cage where a Light Fury was, its white color was very noticeable.

— The only dragon they left us from last night's raid.. —

— A female? Hmm. —Grimmel narrows his eyes as the Light Fury whimpers in fear as she hides between her wings.—

— So, do we have a deal, old friend? —Ragnar holds out his hand with a smirk.—

Before Grimmel could respond or say a word, the roar of a great dragon interrupted the conversation. The great dragon breaks free of the chains and begins to run towards the guards and Grimmel. Everyone ran to the sides to avoid the dragon but Grimmel just turned and swiftly drew his crossbow and fired it at the dragon.

The dragon falls to the ground unconscious in front of Grimmel.

— When all is said and done, this young chief will bring me the night fury. They don't have a leader, just a boy.. —

— Oh, one more thing.. —Ragnar speaks, drawing Grimmel's attention. Ragnar walks the other way and brings with him a girl with her head lowered, Grimmel raises an eyebrow without understanding.—

— Who is she? —

— We found her in our waters unconscious on a board. We thought she was dead, but this girl woke up after being saved by us.. —Ragnar makes the girl raise her face, showing her appearance.— 

— Does she have a name? And why are you telling me? —

— Because when we found her she had a huge wound on her chest and you know what? We found it just the day of Stoick's death. Don't you think it's curious? —Grimmel opens his eyes a little at that, the girl gasps at that and tries to escape Ragnar's grasp.— She told me her name herself... her name is (Y/n) —

— (Y/n)? Isn't that the name of Stoick's son's fiancee? —

— All the pieces come together, she did not die alongside Stoick, she miraculously survived.. —

(Y/n) looks at everyone nervously while her mind was clouded.

To be continued...

Our Adventure ~𝑯𝒊𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝑥𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora