Chapter VIII

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Yang Zhilan stood alone on a quiet street, her body tense with unease. After a long day, she had completed a small but important task of delivering crucial documents to Mr. Xi's apartment.

After assisting him a while, she returned back to the company. He had not been to the office all day which was a first.

However, the encounter with his dog had unnerved her, and the strange but recurrent headache had resurfaced a few moments after she left. This started to feel like a piece of a puzzle she was missing.

Ever since she started to work in the Xi company headquarters, these headaches have been more frequent than usual. Yang Zhilan didn't know if she should blame it on stress of the work or it was something else.

She kind of missed her village life. Her brother Chu on the other hand seemed to relish in the city life better. He barely came home early at times.

Anyway, she had missed the last bus from the station, because she worked overtime today. This left her no choice but to navigate the unfamiliar area using a GPS map on her phone.

She had to pick a proper place to get a taxi .As she walked through a secluded spot, doubts began to cloud her mind.

Had she followed the map correctly? Glancing around, she realized she was surrounded by darkness and an eerie silence. What part of the city was this again?

A chill ran down her spine, and a sense of foreboding washed over her. It felt as if someone was lurking nearby, watching her every move ever since she left the bus station.

Trusting her instincts, she decided to turn back the way she came. But before she could make a move, a figure emerged from the shadows, closing in on her.

Fear clenched at her heart as she recognized the malicious intent. In a split second, she dodged, narrowly avoiding his grasp. However, he managed to grab hold of her hair, causing her to stumble. Acting on pure instinct, Yang Zhilan swiftly turned and slapped his hand away, freeing herself from his grip, albeit with a yank that stung her scalp.

As pain shot through her head, she couldn't believe her misfortune. Who had she offended? Stumbling back, she fumbled through her bag for her phone, her hands trembling with fear and adrenaline. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice shaking.

The man grinned, revealing a sinister smile. He taunted. "Did you think leaving the village was enough to protect you? Our boss isn't very pleased."

Yang Zhilan's body quivered as she realized the danger she was in. Without hesitation, she bolted back in the direction she had come from. But the man was faster, closing the distance between them effortlessly. With a swift motion, he tackled her to the ground, his strength overpowering hers.

Pinning her hands together with one hand, he smirked, relishing in his dominance." Stay still." He cooed.

Yang Zhilan wriggled and fought against his hold, her mind racing for a way out. She mustered her strength and delivered a knee strike to his crotch, but her panic hindered the force behind it. The man only loosened his grip momentarily before tightening it once more.

A surge of fear washed over her as he raised his palm and struck her across the face, causing her vision to blur.

Disoriented, she felt a piece of cloth pressed against her nose. Determined not to succumb, she held her breath, struggling against the encroaching darkness.

Not much to her surprise ,the man relented, the cloth still hovering near her nose. Confusion mixed with her fading consciousness. Then, out of nowhere, the man was violently yanked off her. Disoriented and weak, she couldn't make out who had come to her rescue.

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