Chapter III

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Yang Zhilan sighed as she lay on her bed, her laptop resting on her lap. It had been more than a week since she applied for job around Qinghe and she still hadn't been able to secure a proper job.

She had gotten a one-week assistant accounting job in a film production for a movie with a some famous actor. It seemed there were some hasty changes in the production process and needed all the support they could get.

That was the only job she could find for now so she had to do it in the next city where they were wrapping up filming. Tomorrow, she would have to leave early tomorrow morning.

She scrolled through the Weibo financial page, hoping for some positive news or inspiration. Expenses in the city was much higher and without a job here she and Chu would not be able to survive. Chu was yet to have a job but he was still going through assessment so the pressure would ease a bit.

Besides, their mother doesn't work work anymore so they had to support her as well.

Dressed in comfortable shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt, she had even applied a facial mask, hoping the soothing scent of the mask would calm her restlessness a little bit.

Suddenly, a headline caught her attention: "Xi Group Announces New CEO for Headquarters in Qinghe." Her heart skipped a beat.

She had also applied here also so if she could get into the company, finding the Xi successor would be much easier, but that would be a stroke of luck. Intrigued, she clicked on the article.

The announcement revealed that the new CEO would be Xi Jinwei, a young but seasoned executive who had successfully managed several of the Xi Group's minor branches abroad.

Yang Zhilan's eyes widened in surprise. It seemed fate had intertwined her job search with this very person she and Chu have been looking for.

Curiosity piqued, she quickly glanced at the comments section. The flood of responses caught her attention, ranging from admiration for his qualifications to gushing over his good looks. One comment even shared a picture of him during an event in Russia, though only half of his face was visible. Yet, even from that angle, people couldn't help but rave about his appearance.

Yang Zhilan stared at the picture intently, her brows furrowing as if she was trying to recall something. There was a nagging feeling at the back of her mind, a sense of familiarity that eluded her.

She strained to remember, but her mind remained frustratingly blank. It bothered her, leaving a tinge of unease in her heart.

Shaking off the bewildering moment, she forced herself to move on, scrolling down to the next news article. Just as she was about to immerse herself in the next article, her phone rang, shattering the stillness of her room.

Startled, she picked up the phone and saw it was a call from Chu.

" Hello?"she picked up the phone.

"I got it, Zhilan! I got the job!" Chu's voice practically exploded with joy.

Zhilan's smile widened, her pride for her brother shining through. She knew he would get the job, especially with his background in the army.

"I knew it, Chu! Congratulations!" Zhilan's voice was filled with genuine happiness.

Chu's gratitude resonated through the phone. "Thank you, sis. I'll be home late today. Going drinking with some new buddies I got here."

Zhilan's smile wavered for a moment as she hesitated, her excitement momentarily dampened.

"Chu, I'm thrilled for you. But... I haven't been called for an interview yet," Zhilan confessed, her disappointment evident in her voice.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, and Zhilan could almost feel Chu's excitement deflate for a moment.

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