Chapter IV

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After her week-long accounting job was over, Yang Zhilan was ready to return home. Being on set, she came to know of the new action-romance coming soon and had been given spoilers when she was on set. Not that she could disclose them anyway.

In any case, she had been paid well, and gained a bit of experience as well working with city people. If she ever got into a company in Qinghe, she would adapt a lot better than she did on set. When she reached the city, she decided to stop at the nice mall on her way to get her brother Chu a gift for recently getting a job as a police officer. It was late but he would not mind it.

As she entered the upscale clothing mall, she admired how modern and stylish all the stores looked. She decided to get him a summer jacket and went to the men's aisle to search. Since it was an upscale mall, most of the prices were unreasonably high and so she wanted to look around for a reasonable price or else she would feel a bit ashamed for coming to a mall and not buying anything.

That's when she noticed a familiar face - the man she had briefly met while picking up ice cream at the Westfield Mall food court. She considered saying hello, but decided against it, thinking he likely wouldn't remember her.

Then she noticed another pretty young woman following a few steps behind the man. She looked young and cute and was a bit demure . She donned a classy bob wearing her white dress with polka dots while looking visibly pregnant.

Yang  Zhilan watched curiously as the woman trailed after the man, who paid her little outward attention aside from occasional glances to see that she was still following him. Were they a couple? His girlfriend or wife?

The man paused to inspect a coat, and the pregnant woman came up beside him, seemingly admiring it as well. Though Yang Zhilan couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, she guessed the woman was suggesting he buy it. But the man ignored her input and moved on to another aisle.

As Yang Zhilan wandered through the aisles searching for the perfect coat for her brother at a reasonable price, she couldn't help overhearing snatches of their conversation.

"Qi, do you really not find what you like?" the woman said sweetly. "If it's the price, I can pay for you."

"I'm still looking," the man replied curtly.

"Well, hurry up, I'm getting tired," the woman whined with a coquettish tone.

"I didn't ask you to come with me," he bit out harshly.

The woman's voice lowered. "But I want to."

With a tired sigh, the man grabbed a random coat. "I like this one."

"But it's a bit small for you," the woman pointed out. He cut her off abruptly.

"Are you paying or not?"

"Alright, but you have to pick another one."

Yang Zhilan watched them with furrowed brows, puzzled by the dynamic between the two. They seemed like a couple, and yet there was something oddly strained or uncomfortable about their interaction.

" This is fine. Let's just pay for this and go."

Yang Zhilan lifted her head and watched as the one named Qi left holding the coat and the young woman stood there, her face looking almost heart-broken and she rubbed her pregnant belly.

" Shiyun!" The man called out when he saw her not following and Yang Zhilan could almost see the joy radiate from her features as if she had won the lottery. She ran up to the man who seemed to be scolding her pointing at her belly and the young lady looked all too happy. A little too happy.

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