Chapter VII

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Yang Zhilan took a deep breath as the car made it's way to where the CEO, Mr. Xi, lived. She had carefully reviewed the extensive list of rules and regulations, Mr. Qin, had provided about assisting Mr. Xi, even though some seemed rather extreme.

Rules such as not looking at Mr. Xi for too long unless necessary, refraining from speaking to him directly, and maintaining a distance of at least two feet unless instructed otherwise seemed excessive and peculiar to Yang Zhilan.

She understood the need for professionalism and boundaries, but these rules felt far-fetched.

Nevertheless, she reminded herself that she was merely an employee and it was not her place to question her employer.

Today, she had instructed her to meet Mr. Xi at his house instead of the company and give him some documents.

The reason for this was unknown to Yang Zhilan because Mr Qin was not coming with her. She was determined to do her job diligently and fulfill whatever task she had been assigned.

As she was being driven, she received a phone call from Mr Qin and she took the call reluctantly. " Hello?"

"Miss Yang, have you arrived yet?"

" Not yet, Mr. Qin. There was a little traffic on the road so we haven't arrived yet."

" Mm. I hope you have familiarized yourself with all the rules and regulations given to you by Supervisor Xi," he said, his tone carrying a sense of caution."

Yang Zhilan nodded, tucking a folder she carried from the office securely beside her. "Yes, Mr. Qin."

" Good ." Mr Qin praised, but she continued , "But I must admit, there are quite a lot of rules. Some of them seem... unconventional."

"One of the rules states 'no unnecessary questions.' Just do as you are asked," Mr. Qin interjected firmly, cutting her off and cut the call.

Yang Zhilan pursed her lips ,' But it wasn't a question.' She thought with a sigh but chose to remain silent.

As the car turned towards a serene neighborhood, Yang Zhilan couldn't help but be captivated by the tranquility surrounding them. Lush trees lined the streets, and there were very few people in sight. It was a marked contrast to the bustling city.

The car came to a stop in front of a high-rise building, its modern design standing tall amidst its surroundings. Yang Zhilan stepped out of the vehicle, and entered the building and made their way to the elevator.

She pressed the button for the designated floor, the doors slid shut, and the elevator began its ascent. Yang Zhilan stole a quick glance at the time.

The elevator dinged and opened. Yang Zhilan walked through the corridor looking for the room number of Mr Xi's apartment.

She knocked on the door and it was a middle-aged woman who opened the door.

" Hello Aunt."

The woman scanned sceptically and gestured at her with a frown, " Who might you be?"

" Oh. My name Yang Zhilan. I was sent by the Mr Qin to give these documents to Mr Xi. Weren't you informed?" She asked in confusion.

" Oh Oh! You're Miss Yang? Come right in then. Mr . Qin told me to be expecting you."

" Thank you Aunt." She sighed in relief.

Yang Zhilan stepped into the apartment, her eyes widening in awe at the sight before her. The interior design was a perfect blend of minimalism and sophistication, with hues of white, black, and hints of gray adorning the space. It was a bit cold without a homely touch but that was okay. To each and their own.

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