Chapter VI

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The clock inched towards 7pm as Yang Zhilan finished up some final tasks at her desk in the Marketing department. It had been more than a week since she started this new job, and working with the city folks had proven quite humbling so far.

They seemed to speak their minds more freely, which could be refreshing at times, but also somewhat jarring.

As Yang Zhilan packed up her belongings, she felt a lingering  headache  ever since she started working here. Perhaps a trip to the hospital was in order before heading home.

She zipped up her bag just as Supervisor Xi entered the room, trailed by Mr. Qin, the CEO's rather severe-looking personal assistant.

Although many employees had already left for the day, Mr Qin cleared his throat loudly. "This is not part of the protocol, but I will be needing a temporary assistant from the Marketing Department." His furrowed brow and frowning lips gave him a permanently displeased air when addressing subordinates. 

An awkward silence fell over those remaining as no one immediately volunteered. Supervisor Xi attempted to rally them. "The crucial stage of the Neuro technology acquisition is really on the Marketing Department right now. Mr. Qin needs someone from the inside to make work easier."

Yang Zhilan knew the real reason for the hesitation. It wasn't that no one wanted the opportunity, it was the daunting prospect of assisting their intense, workaholic CEO, Mr Xi.

On his first day, he had made an effort to openly engage with all departments. But since then, he kept quite a low profile, usually arriving before everyone and leaving late into the night.

The only times she ever saw him were glimpses of his comings and goings for meetings when she picking up takeout lunch.

While he didn't impose his management style too firmly, it was considered disrespectful to leave much earlier than one's superior.

So being the assistant's assistant meant being at the CEO's beck and call, and keeping his late hours. An unappealing prospect for most.

But for her it represented an opportunity. "I'll do it, sir," she stated, raising her hand before anyone else could respond.

Supervisor Xi raised an eyebrow. "Yang Zhilan? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Very well. Thank you for your assistance, Miss Yang," Qin acknowledged flatly. "Your supervisor will provide you with the necessary details before tomorrow." With that, he turned and exited the department.

Supervisor Xi waved her into his office and retrieved a slim document from his drawer. "Please memorize this before tomorrow."

"What is it?" Yang Zhilan asked, curiosity piqued.

"You'll understand when you see it. Mr. Qin was hired by the CEO's grandfather and is just...taking precautions."

"Oh, I see. Thank you, I'll look it over tonight. Good night, Supervisor."

" Goodnight."

She returned to her desk, quickly skimming the document's contents before tucking it into her bag. As she did, she overheard Sister Xin whispering not-so-discreetly to Wu Shanshan.

"Tch, why is he so stiff? Even his boss the CEO is quite the charming one. "

Wu Shanshan rolled her eyes. "Oh?"

" Of course. I worked overtime last night and happened to see the CEO leaving around the same time. I said hello and guess what?" Sister Xin looked ready to combust with glee.

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