How can you deal with this

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              The Police come. Marine and Cream don't come down the stairs but they are interviewed. Blaze is interviewed too, two times in one day. She wish she didn't have to see the police so much. Marine was one thing, now this. But why would Amy's Dad even care about the car? Who was she? Blaze doesn't care and hoped it was some random girl Amy's Dad had for whatever reason. The fact that's the best option makes Blaze want to vomit everything out. But she doesn't have enough energy either. She hates having no energy. Especially today. Especially right now. She wishes she had some to spare. But Blaze is seemingly completely knocked down and out for the count. Today is too much. She suspects tomorrow will be like it too.

                Guess everyone in the house will have to leave out of another door now. The police photograph and clean up the scene. Mighty quickly Blaze thinks. But at this point she could care less how bad they do they're job as long as nothing like this happens again. Blaze hopes but at this point she has largely stopped doing that. Life seems to throw whatever it wants at her. Only to probably set up something worse. The police leave, again. Blaze goes upstairs and immediately falls asleep on her bed. Letting the sleep consume her.

                 She has a nightmare, not surprisingly. But it's green again. Even the doorway is empty. Despite her being very apprehensive to open the door. Nothing is there besides police tape. She looks around. Everything is there. It isn't warped or anything like usual. She knows this place, like the back of her hand. Unless she can cut it off, it'll remain, like her hand. She walks past the police tape and out to everything else. The car is still here in her dreams and so is everything else. Can she even call this a nightmare at this point? Real life is more of a nightmare than this. Whatever. Blaze looks around. Nothing new besides that thing. Blaze checks everywhere, leaving no stone unturned or Room unchecked. It's all the same. Honestly she now prefers the monotony rather than the chaos.

                 At least this is predictable. Maybe this is all some cosmic punishment because Blaze wasn't valuing her life enough or something like that. Blaze still doesn't care. She really doesn't care. The nightmare continues, nothing changing. Blaze spends a bit of time there. Freely moving with no consequence. Blaze can think. There's no noise or anything around her. An empty vacuum like space. Nothing and being able to mostly freely walk around. It feels like she's lost. But lost in what, and where? She doesn't know, so she keeps on going and living in this dream.

                 Blaze wakes up. To noise and to a feeling. She gets up, goes to the door, opens it and looks around. Going again, into the crime scene. Nothing is there. Everything is seemingly cleaned. But other than that, everything is exactly the same as in her dream. Police tape and all. Blaze wonders how long it will take them to remove it. If they ever do. It doesn't matter now. Blaze goes back to bed, back to sleep. Again, almost instantly. Letting the darkness and sleep consume her. Nothing happens. No more dream or nightmares or whatever else. Nothing. Blaze would enjoy it if she could even feel herself or think. But she can't. It's nothing. That's all. Sleep is a lot like death and we probably enjoy it a bit too much for it to be so similar to what most of us fear.

                  Blaze wakes up again. It's light outside now and Cream and Marine are out of bed. Presumably out and about. Blaze gets up, despite probably not having too and gets ready for the day. Doing her normal things. Marine and Cream are up probably they have been for a while and her Mom is probably at work. Work seemingly rests for no one but Blaze doesn't mind too much. Her Mom probably does though. Blaze gets downstairs and walks past Marine and Cream who are looking at something on Marine's phone and gets herself some breakfast. That takes her long to not only get it out but actually eat it. She's out of it, okay. Can you really blame her?

                  Life is extremely hard anyways. Once Blaze finally finishes her breakfast/ probably lunch or something close she goes back to the living room where Cream and Marine are and slumps down on the couch. Alerting Cream and Marine about her current mood. The two look at each other, evaluating what they should do and what they even can do. Before Cream decides to take matters into her own hands.

                  "How are you Blaze?"

                  "Absolutely abysmal, you?"

                  "Are you okay?" Cream asks Blaze, who is sinking into the couch.

                  "Nope. Not at all."

                  Cream sighs and looks to Marine who shrugs. They both go back to doing what they were doing, leaving Blaze to her own devices. Which honestly, in a way Blaze is thankful for. But she doesn't want to be left alone. Simultaneously wanting to talk with people to get everything off her mind. She wishes she could talk to Amy but Blaze hasn't heard from her. Of course, Blaze worries but she doesn't have probable cause to go over to her house or call the police or anything else. She was probably overreacting when the car went missing but at least that helped. Now she wouldn't even help, it would probably cause more problems. She doesn't want to cause more problem.

                  If the police made good time she should've been informed now and probably the police would have informed her. So she would probably still be talking to them right now. Blaze doesn't want to bother her at all. So she sits, thinking about Amy and anything else that's on her mind, mainly only Amy. Blaze looks around. Everything is the same. It looks the same. It sounds the same. It feels the same. Blaze sits. Nothing else, that's all. That's it. Blaze feels her phone buzz. She looks at it. Then puts her phone back in her pocket. She would cry if she could, if she had any energy at all.

                  Amy: I Know

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