What Do We Do Now?

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                  Cream and Marine continue to hold hands throughout the entire rest of the period. Not letting go until that bell rings and still not wanting to. They separate again for their fourth period. But after that, they get back to the same place for lunch. They meet each other in the hallway and go into the cafeteria and then the lunch line. They do their usual, with the occasional attempt or success at holding hands. Cream has to tell Marine to let go of her hand on one occasion. Which Marine sighs at but does.

                  Once they're out of the line they hold hands and walk to their table. They're not there first so they disconnect their hands until they sit in their seat where they connect them again once their hands are under the table and out of view. Silver is already sitting there and of course he won't notice. Eventually Amy and Blaze join them, too distracted by each other to even consider to notice anything. All they do is talk to each other. So Cream and Marine aren't even caring that they won't notice. Even if they did, all that does will make Blaze panic as now she has no one up on them and Amy probably won't react except for a congratulations of some kind. But nobody notices so Cream and Marine continue on doing what they're doing. Eventually they finish and go to the tray washing place and give their trays in. Nobody notices them holding hands when they get out of their chairs, when they're walking with each other or when they come back. Lunch ends and they also go their own separate ways. Cream and Marine decide to push their luck and hold hands while walking with Blaze. Blaze unsurprisingly doesn't notice. Marine and Cream silently agree it's because of Amy. They laugh amongst themselves at Blaze's expense. Then they seperate. Going to their classes, then their next class. Then reuniting again for their eighth period. Where they hold hands again. They forget one thing. Tails.

                  "Why are you holding hands?" The girl asks the other two. Taking them aback before they realize that they messed up.

                  "No reason."

                  "Yeah, what Cream said, just felt like it"


                 Thankfully nobody else hears and Tails drops it, but not before giving a knowing look. Confirming she knows what's going on with the other two. But at least she'll keep it secret and that the other two are happy for. Eventually the period ends again, they go out to the buses holding hands. Tails is the only one who notices. She smiles at the other two. Cream and Marine get to their bus with Blaze after everyone else. Neither Blaze nor their bus driver nor anyone else notice them holding hands. It's nice, their open little secret. They sit down and keep holding hands. All the way home. While the bus tosses and turns. They hold on. To each other. Making sure the other one is okay.

                 They get home as normal and get off the bus the same way but holding hands. They walk up the driveway with Blaze and go inside and walk upstairs with her, she flops on her bed not noticing. The other two laugh. Then head downstairs. Where they wait and discuss whatever can possibly come to their minds.

                 "Of course she did that to you too" Marine says rolling her eyes

                 "We were kinda hopeless though. Well now we aren't, but to be fair." Cream suggests to Marine's displeasure

                 "To be fair, that's mean"

                 "At least we can torment her now."

                 "Oh yeah!"

                 The two laugh with each other.


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