Chapter 48: "I am ashamed of being Fire Nation."

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Just as the fuzz in my vision had cleared over, and I could feel the throbbing pain in my temple, I was let go and thrown down somewhere. I yelped as I rolled down compacted earth, shoulder blades digging into something sharp, before I finally slowed and lay on my back.

I groaned and coughed, holding a hand to my head. "Laina!" I heard Katara call out. Then someone was shuffling to my side, holding the side of my shoulder.

"Katara," I huffed, propping myself up onto my elbows.

"I can't believe it, the fire nation princess and her friends are posing as the Kyoshi warriors!" she practically yelled. I looked around our 'dungeon' and found it was more of a cave. There was room to stand and was lit by these green crystals that glowed. The dripping of water rang out in echoes in some far-off corner.

"I tried to come get you," I told Katara, sitting up. "But they found me eavesdropping."

She looked around the cave, "Do you think you can tunnel us out of here?" I frowned and tried to move a piece of earth, but nothing came from it.

"Ty Lee took away my bending. We're stuck in here 'till I get it back."

Katara sighed, sitting back on her knees.

"I can't believe they're in the city," I sighed, throwing a piece of crystal at the wall.

"Seems like the whole royal family is," Katara said bitterly. I knew what she was getting at.

"Don't, Katara," I said, standing up and dusting myself off.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is it a touchy subject for you?" Katara responded, getting up as well.

"I don't even think if I tried to explain myself to you, you'd listen," I snapped, turning towards a large crystal.

Katara flung her arms about, "Why should I?! You lied to everyone! He's Zuko! he's...he's our enemy!"

I clenched my eyes shut. "What if he stopped being the enemy?"

She laughed dryly, "Oh yeah, sure. And then Fire Lord Ozai will throw us a tea party!"

This time, I spun around to face her. "You only have one view of the Fire Nation! There is good in them as well."

"Are you asking me to sympathise with the Fire Nation?" Katara barked out.

I cringed at myself, "No--"

"--then what? Why do you think I feel this way? The Fire Nation has hurt my people a thousand times over," Katara croaked out.

"You think I don't know what that is like? Do you ever see me without a shirt or a dress that covers me from head to toe? Do you ever see me lift the sleeve of my robe?"

Katara's anger morphed into sympathy and guilt. "Laina, I..." she seemed to be at a loss for words.

I pressed my palms to my eyes, "I have to live knowing that I am Fire Nation. And I hate the home I come from. Am I the enemy?"

Katara frowned, "It's're different."

I stepped forward, "I lived 13 years in the Fire Nation. I was banished. How could I not empathise with Zuko?" Katara was stumped as she was met with my words. I exhaled, my rage leaving me like a deflating balloon. "We can talk all about this when we are out of here. But for now, we need to be a team."

Katara agreed, nodding. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Why don't we check how your bending is coming along."

I nodded, reaching out to the crystal. I strained and tried to rip the whole thing out of the ground but could only chip some of the green rock off the top. I grunted, kicking at the thing with my foot. "Not too well," I groaned.

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