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Hearing loud screaming coming from the should've been deserted building, Inventor sighs, thinking it was another argument about credit. The heroes were young and new to the rankings yes, but that didn't mean they should have been arguing over who got credit for such a simple mission. If only his old crew was here. They would have cleared this whole area before someone could set up a perimeter.

Many of the more strong-front heroes had left due to other crimes happening within their zones. Not like they were needed at such an empty site right? There were no living people here, and the current hero team that was doing reconnaissance was one of the better ones. A wire-bound hero for quick in-and-out recons, a cat lady with extendable claws more towards stealth, and a bulldozer of a dude with giant arms, and by extension, giant hands. 

"I really need to add a radio holster to this armor." Cursing his own incompetence, Inventor retrieved his radio from the nearby stand, having placed it there due to needing both hands when setting a perimeter. Tuning in, he expected to hear the usual useless chatter as the group bantered between them. He didn't need to hear their bed talk, but whatever.

Opening the channel however, he was met with something much different.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Hearing screaming as he opened the mic, he looked to the building the operation had been taking place in. He was a solid 3 minutes away given he was nearly on the other side of the perimeter, and for once cursed his weight. "Fucking hell. Cardio time."

Sprinting to the site using times sound blasts to speed himself up, he arrived to see the wired hero being pulled from the bulldozers hands. Time slowed down as Inventor took in everything before him, everything he knew piling in as he analyzed his options. He had his most versatile suit on, so anything he could usually do in the field was fair game. His only back-up was Nezu, who was a non-combatant, and Eraserhead, who couldn't do much against any non-living entities. 

The wired hero had been dragged down into the pit, and safe to say he was a goner. The cat lady and the bulldozer would be nearly useless due to their grief, so he was on his own. 

"Not the first time."

Mumbling that to himself, he sprinted, using sound to assist him, before whispering as he passed the 2 who just lost a teammate. "This is why I can't trust heroes."

Producing 2 small, glowing, blue orbs from his suit, he checked them down the hole, grabbing the 2 who were standing there and dragging them back, despite their protests, away from the hole.

Within the hole, standing upon the corpse of the wire hero, the robots stared at the 2 orbs that Inventor had thrown down. A light blue energy was rampaging within the orb, starting to tear its way out of the thin membrane it was stored it.

Strong vibrations, accompanied by a massive blast of sound soon ripped from the 2 orbs, filing down the tunnel, the pure force smashing bots together and blasting them back into the room from whence they came. A massive blast as well escaped from where the heroes entered, shattering a lot of window walls on its way out.

Ducking as dust rained down, Inventor gestured to the exit. "If you don't want to become pancakes, run."

Looking up, sobbing from her place on the ground, the cat woman opened her mouth, no doubt to spew out garbage on how a friend of hers died. Thankfully, Inventor didn't have to move to shut her up, a piece of concrete falling from the second level did, bashing into her head, knocking her unconscious.

The bulldozer next to her heeded Inventors words, grabbing the now unconscious woman and bolting out of the door, not caring for the damage caused to the already shattered glass walls.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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