Nezu The Rat God (Also New Mentor)

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Izuku begins to analyse the opponent he faces, and immediately receives a ton of information which he never thought of.

'Could I always think this fast? No, my speed is faster, and better processing, but this is more of printing information already there.'

Armed with more knowledge, Izuku begins to small targeting dots appear on the weak joints contained in the antiviruses.

'Eye is weak, sharp claws, but joint near arm is weakest. Claws cause varying effect, but bad if touched. Weak to electricity surprisingly, but can take smaller voltages.'

Choosing to analyze his own quirk next, he sprouts electric wings, then takes to the air.

Spinning around and flying without control for a few moments, his mind soon gets used to it, and he can then fly pretty well.

Letting all the information pop into his mind, a thought comes and goes, but leaves a very big impression on him.

'The sphere before was my own universe that could interact with another? Does that mean I can control it?'

As his mind wanders to that possibility, the answer is provided, which is an astounding yes.

Gripping the weapons harder through the gauntlets, he does a quick U-turn before smashing straight into the robots.


Releasing millions of volts which arc through all the numbers, the fried robots begin to fall, bringing more with them.

From there, Izuku begins to swing the weapons at each weak point, not noticing the army splitting in 2.

One keeps him busy as he discharges, charges, attacks, gets surrounded, and repeat.

The other flies down, and with a much faster rate, begin to both analyse Izuku, and duplicate themselves, providing reinforcements.

'This is endless! Time for an all-or-nothing!'

Discharging a billion volts, he loses his armor, and weapons in the electricity, as it frys the whole army surrounding him. Millions of robotic corpses begin to fall, only to start dissipating into lines of code.

Recovering from that discharge, Izuku sees the second part of the army, already sending duplicates over to face him.

'Alright you stupid bots, let's see if you can handle this.'

Taking some code from an old virus that was considered unkillable until technopath quirks came around, Izuku began to duplicate hundreds of millions of times.


As each clone donned the same attire that Izuku used before, they charged at the antivirus bots, acting as a tsunami, consuming the forces.

The antivirus, panicking, sends a notice to the UA database, and the overlords computer about the invasion.

--Real World--

Seeing a notification from the antivirus AI, nezu opens up the application, only to see a sight worth behold. His schematic attack plan being demolished through pure force by a small child no less! The recording is long and live as Izuku keeps cloning himself in his Morris Rush attack.

Chuckling, Nezu orders a clean wipe and confinement of Izuku, and readies himself for the guest coming soon.

--Digital World--

Seeing a wave of light, Izuku pales as his mind tells him its a wipe, aiming to capture, isolate, and quarantine him.

Duplicating himself more, he borrows more code from multiplying viruses, and continues to duplicate, using the clones as a wall to block out the wipe.

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