Getting an Upgrade

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"You want me to make you a what?"

Looking at the orb now known as Izuku to him, Inventor stares as Izuku asked him a question.

"A code which can fight against me, while I can use electricity, or a bundle of code which can follow me into the screen globe, and be able to contend with me there."

Looking dumbfounded at Izuku, Inventor just sighs.

"I can make the humanoid quirked fighter for you in a blank space, but I can't have you fighting something in the globe sphere. I can code in your abilities from the screen globe, but getting something there would require me to be able to pinpoint a direct connection only your main body can achieve, but that's locked away under dozens of firewalls and shields because any damage to it would be horrible."

"But pleaaaaaaaaaase????"

"No can do. Just go play with the pom-pom, and I'll work on your pseudo-screen globe opponent." 


Flying off to play with Katsuki, Inventor turns back to his computer to save the last project and begin the work on the new battlefield.

"You can't spoil him that much y'know."

"I know Nezu, but he needs training, and your tower isn't doing it for him. He needs 1 on 1 fighting experiance."

"I guess that is true. the tower is more infiltration and logic based than fighting instinct."

"If only... If only.. Nezu?"

"What did you think of this time?"

"What if we made Izuku a humanoid drone?"


"Ugh. Fine but only because you supply the materials."

Getting back to work on the code, he continues to write well into the night.


"Katsuki! Let's play!"

"Izuku? Why are you an orb? Since when?"

"About a few days ago. Got sooooo caught up in many things so I got stuck."

"Well that's fine. I'm about to head out to train. Want to come with?"

"Sure! Should I bring anything?"


With that, Bakugo hopped off his bed to get his training gloves, and ran off.

Flying after him, Izuku follows high in the sky, trying to figure out how to use the internal arms to construct a small tin figurine he keeps internally.

Eventually connecting to the mounted gun chute, Izuku manages to get a window to bring outside things into his pod, and inside things out without having to rip it in 2.

Arriving at the place, Izuku notices it as another clearing within the same forest Inventor makes stuff in, and is quite well lit.

"So why are we here?"

"To train Izuku."

Releasing a blast under him, Bakugo flies straight up to Izuku. 

"Let's see what cool things you've got!"

Hearing that roaring declaration, Izuku panics a bit before he regains his bearings. 

"Try this!"

Sprouting out both plasma guns, Izuku fires both at Bakugo, trying to unbalance him.

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