Small Developments

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"Skynet? Wasn't that from a pre-quirk movie series?" Looking up from his project again, Inventor looked at Izuku and Nezu who were cackling to each other. "On second thought, anything you two involved in is a bad idea for my sanity." With that, he picked up his current project and moved to a table a little further away from the 2 brainiacs.

Izuku and Nezu, having completely ignored his input, began their scheming to try and figure out what to do. "I'd assume you've already traced the location?" Seeing Izuku grin again, Nezu began cackling, and Inventor decided then was a good time to leave the basement office, and go to the 3-D printers, to pull out a small joke blueprint he'd made a while ago.

"Yo. What's good?" Walking in, Inventor sees Power Loader sipping on coffee. He was resting on a lathe and just sighing to himself. Small burn marks adorned his clothes, and pink goo stuck to his hair. "Nothing." Grumbling to himself, he crumpled the cup a bit, before throwing his head back and chugging the rest. "Nothing is fine with this godawful class."

Thinking about it, Inventor remembered that Power Loader often spoke of a student. "Hatsume is it? Is she still at it?" Raising an eyebrow at the tired teacher, he sighingly nodded. "She somehow got her hands on the bootleg plasma tech." Placing the crushed cup on top of the table, before collapsing in the folding chair, he just laid his head down on the table, face-down. "She's endlessly trying to improve it, leaving a destroyed lab in her wake." 

"Hm. Sounds rough." Pulling out another cup of coffee from the nearby machine, Inventor placed it next to Power Loaders head on the table. Power Loader grunted sadly in affirmation, grabbing the cup before he chugged it down. Stopping mid-cup, he slowly turned his head to Inventor. "How much."

"How much what?" Looking at Power Loader and getting his own cup of coffee, he sat down at the table too. His latest project was still stuck with the maniacs, and he couldn't make the blueprint with Power Loader there. Power Loader, just sighed before putting his chin on the table, staring at Inventor. "How much for you to be an assistant instructor at UA."

Sighing, and slumping a bit, Inventor stared at Power Loader. "You know I'm not fit for that stuff. You know I can't teach." Power Loader, sighed, straightened out his back, and then slumped a with a bit more dignity. "I don't want you to teach. I want you as an extra pair of hands and eyes to keep the students in check. I got my lunch, and I'm not giving it up for anything, even if I have to clean up after Hatsume. You will take over when I'm gone. In fact, don't teach. Just watch them and stop them before they go too far."

Inventor just sighed. He didn't want the job, because then he couldn't build whatever he wanted and call it a passion project. He'd have to be an example, and examples don't build what he has. "You know I'm the last person you should be asking for that job. If Hatsume's stuff has potential, I'm going to encourage her and the other students to continue pushing that loop."

Groaning, Power Loader slammed his head on the table. Inventor, wanting to put a nail in the coffin, spoke up again. "Also, I-" 


Both engineers got up in a second, staring at the smoking hole that was the basement entrance. Inventor grabbed a small clicker nearby, clicking it and building up a small blue ring that seemed very sharp. Power Loader grabbed his gauntlets and put them on. Nodding to each other and not speaking a word, they slowly edged closer to the entrance, hoping Nezu or Izuku simply broke something.

Reaching the hole, Inventor pointed down, splayed out his hands, pointed to Power Loader, then at the floor. The message was clear. 'I blow the smoke and anyone inside away. You go down and start. I'll be right behind you.'

Nodding to that, Inventors blue disk split, the disk splitting into 5 rings, each smaller than the others, surrounding a singular disk. After a quarter of a second, the rings and disk were being pulled back, and Power Loader could see the distorting air from the balled up sound waves.

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