Raid Prep

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Sitting inside of his den, Inventor began strapping on his gear. The eerie glow of the screens washed the room in a light-blue tint as pieces of metal were strewn about haphazardly. Shifting through another bundle of twisted scrap, Inventor reaches for a greasy cloth, using it to twist a bolt. His breaths hitch as the plate snaps into place, clamping down on a small bit of his skin.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." Swearing and loosening the plate, he frees his now bruised skin before snapping the plate in place properly. As it does, a hum builds up from within as servo motors and gears wind up, glowing blue lines forming along the seams. With a heave, Inventor rights his body, the leg coming to life. Multiple clicks were heard as the many systems within snapped into place. 

An oily cloth shined the metal as it snapped into place, memories resting within the dented metal resurfacing in Inventors mind. Regret, rage, self-loathing, and sadness all whirled like a cyclone in his mind. Blaming his incompetence. He could see the fearful and tortured eyes staring right at him. The image he never wanted burned into his mind.

The leg finishing its prep snapped him out of his stupor, shaking his head. His mind cleared as it took one directive.

Looking at the rest of the gear, Inventor grins grimly to himself. "If only I designed this better." His body worked mechanically as he put on the rest of the armor, keeping his skin out of the way, as he snaps plates and pieces into place. Coating every part of his body in metal, Inventor starts to trudge his way out of the dark room, the armor weighing him down as it powers up.

Passing invention after invention, Inventor only sighs as he passes them. His eyes drift to a pile of hand-sewn things he had made. Mostly from a coping mechanism he had developed. The embroidered words spelling out "LOVE" and "YES" sat upon many, many items. Distant memories never seemed to leave his mind.

Making his way out, his eyes trace a door he had locked and never opened. The door only had 2 words scratched into the wood. "PLAN B". A sick thing he had made, and promised to never use.

Shaking his head to rid himself of dumb thoughts, he felt his armor powering up, a tingly feeling run down his spine as a series of plates snapped into place.

Willing the plates on his back to move, he sighs in relief as the plates shift not unlike scales, a small humming filling the air as it charged. "This time, it works."

Blue light seeped through as his quirk began its work, a small ball within the suit glowing as it stored power.

Observing the bright day as he stepped out, his mind only thought of his future. One he dead set for himself. Numbly climbing out of his den, he trudged to the perimeter he made to stay out of the public eye.

"Good day to officially get back on the grid."

Watching the raid preparations from above, Izuku smiled as he saw the line-up Nezu had prepared while connecting to the isolated server. Nothing short of a few tens of heroes surrounded the area. Police and EMT's kept the peace in the area, evacuating without issue. Within the planning room, Nezu, Eraserhead, Inventor, and the new hero from yesterday. He seemed to have an unnaturally large bulge around their chest, but Izuku wasn't one to question anything.

Watching tape be used, and a quarantine zone set up, the whole set-up was beginning to work its ways. People were leaving in an orderly manner, and nobody was trying to break in unnecessarily. Weary gazes were cast, and phones pulled out to record, but official statements matched the raid preparation, so nothing seemed out of place.

"Look. This building is abandoned. Nothing has gone in or out for the last month. The only logical thing to do is to infiltrate with a few people." Eraserhead, ever the minimalist, wanted to keep things quiet. Inventor however, shook his head. "Look Eraser. I know you want to go back to sleep, but it isn't that easy. They'll have robotic security, and last I checked no one here could cover up heat signatures. That building is boxed in and we're able to bulk up as much as we want outside without them noticing. We should full out assault."

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