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Tin left to visit his brother Krit, hoping he could answer the many questions that had been haunting him. Naret wanted to accompany Tin, but Tin made up an excuse to keep him from coming along. The truth was, Naret was being watched by the authorities, but they had no evidence to arrest him. Tin had managed to stay a step ahead, knowing that it was only a matter of time before Naret was implicated in the recent operation that led to the capture of numerous drug and crime organization members.

When Tin arrived, he saw Krit again. Despite being identical twins, they were strikingly different. Krit's body was covered in tattoos, unlike Tin's unmarked skin. Krit had a mullet and a scar on his face, a clear sign of his involvement in a criminal organization. Tin sat down in front of Krit, who was handcuffed, and was met with a cold, distant stare.

As they looked at each other, memories of their childhood flooded Tin's mind. Their once joyful bond had been shattered, replaced by anger and sorrow. How had their lives come to this? Tin couldn't hold back his tears as he looked at his brother, searching for any trace of the boy he once knew. The weight of their tragic divergence bore down on him, filling the room with an unbearable sadness.

Tin asked Krit what had happened during the days he was taken, his voice trembling with regret and pain.

Tin: "Krit, what happened to you? Who took you? What did they do to you?"

Tin bombarded Krit with questions, his desperation evident. Krit just stared at him, silent and unmoved. Suddenly, Krit stood up and made to leave the room, intending to abandon Tin without a word. In a rush of anguish, Tin called out, his voice breaking with every word, each syllable soaked in sorrow and remorse.

Tin: "I'm sorry, Krit. I couldn't save you. I did everything, but it wasn't enough to protect you. I thought I could handle it, but I failed. I'm worthless. I'm sorry, big brother, for forgetting you. I'm sorry because I can't undo the past and take away all the pain you've endured. I'm sorry, Krit."

As Tin's apologies echoed in the room, the weight of his guilt and the depth of his regret hung heavily in the air. Each repeated "sorry" was a plea for forgiveness, a cry from a broken heart desperately trying to mend what was irreparably shattered. The moment was steeped in heartbreak, a tragic testament to the lost bond between the two brothers.

Krit left coldly, leaving Tin behind in tears. Overwhelmed by the pain, Tin collapsed to the floor, consumed by the weight of his suffering. Questions flooded his mind: Why did everything happen to him? Why was he always the one left hurting?

Unbeknownst to Tin, their father had been watching from the adjacent room, hearing every sob that escaped Tin's lips. The father’s heart ached as he listened, his eyes welling up with tears. He knew all too well how deeply Tin had been affected by Krit's disappearance, how tirelessly Tin had searched for his brother, risking his own life in the process.

Unable to bear it any longer, their father entered the room. As he did, Tin quickly turned away, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. The father stood there, watching his son, his own heart breaking at the sight of Tin's anguish.

Tin tried to compose himself, attempting to show that he was okay, but his father could see the depth of his pain. When Tin finally turned to face him, he saw his father standing there with open arms, waiting to embrace him. At that moment, Tin could no longer hold back. He stepped forward and fell into his father’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry, Dad," Tin choked out between sobs. "Since the accident, Mom has been so distant. You've been the only one here for me. I'm sorry I couldn't do more."

His father, holding him tightly, responded with a gentle, soothing voice. "It's okay to feel weak sometimes, Tin. I'm here, and everything will be alright. None of this is your fault. What's important is that Krit is back. I know you did everything you could to protect him, so please, stop blaming yourself."

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