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Chapter 4 (1/2)

As Tin and Naret's relationship evolved, Naret, one day, watched Tin depart on his motorcycle. Recognizing the significant changes in himself and acknowledging the need for a transformative decision, Naret resolved to distance himself from Tin. Determined to convey his true feelings, he set a timeline of just 100 days to show or make Tin feel what he truly experienced, ensuring no regrets in the end.

Upon achieving a high rank in the camp, Tin received salutes and admiration from everyone he encountered. Soon, a comrade informed him about a summoning by the officials for a mission. Adorning himself in a black-silver camouflage uniform, Tin entered the room and respectfully bowed to the officials. The atmosphere became tense when the mission's location was revealed-Dongo.

Hearing the destination, Tin clutched his uniform tightly, reliving the memories of past traumas. Another official spoke, indicating that the events might unfold similarly to what happened before. Tin, initially prohibited from engaging in Dongo affairs due to rule violations and causing damage to the country, was requested by the Dongo president to join a mission, seeking to confront the terrorist leader responsible for the harm inflicted on his comrades.

When Tin's father heard the order, he stood up, initially planning to object. However, Tin surprised everyone by expressing his willingness to go. He bowed before leaving the room, leaving his father stunned. He followed him, expressing the family's deep fear of losing him again.

"Son," Tin's father began, his voice tinged with concern, "we were terrified when we learned you were captured by them. You were fortunate to return safely, Tin. We don't want to lose you again."

Facing his father, Tin's expression remained stoic. "Papa, if I don't follow my instincts, I won't find peace. Every night, I relive the pain of seeing my comrades injured and fallen. It's like I'm being killed every day in my nightmares. I need to do this, Papa. Please understand," Tin explained, his voice resolute yet tinged with vulnerability.

His father, grappling with a mix of emotions, enveloped Tin in a tight embrace. "I understand, son. Just promise me you'll come back to us," he whispered, his voice breaking slightly.

Nodding, Tin returned the embrace, a silent promise conveyed in the warmth of their embrace. With a final bow and salute, Tin left, leaving his father to wrestle with the fear and pride intertwined within a father's heart.

While Tin was instructing each newcomer in the camp, one day, his comrade, Benz, approached him with news that in 101 days, Tin would be leaving for Dongo. Sensing the reluctance of his comrades to let him go, Tin walked over to Benz, acknowledging the unspoken sentiment. He tapped Benz's shoulder, understanding the silent camaraderie that bound them all.

Three months before his departure, Tin made a wish. He fervently hoped that no comrade would accompany him to Dongo. Aware of the dangers and the emotional toll it took on those close to him, he preferred facing the mission alone. Before accepting the assignment, Tin wished to spare his comrades from the pain of witnessing the harsh realities of Dongo.

Despite his comrades' camaraderie and loyalty, Tin knew that undertaking such a mission alone would be the lesser evil. The officials, recognizing Tin's unique capabilities and the respect he commanded, yielded to his wish. Tin, with a heavy heart, prepared to embark on a journey to Dongo, knowing that this time, he would face the challenges and perils ahead without dragging anyone else into the dark abyss that awaited him.

As Tin returned home, he noticed Naret engrossed in some work. Without a word, he approached and embraced Naret from behind, catching him off guard. Naret, visibly confused, questioned Tin's sudden gesture, to which Tin responded with a shake of his head, indicating there was no issue. Tin tightened his grip around Naret, finally speaking up.

Tin: Can I see and spend time with Bella?

Recognizing the genuine need in Tin's request, Naret directed Tin to wait in his office, where he would later join him after finishing some tasks.

After a few hours, with Naret fresh from a shower, clad only in a bathrobe, he found Tin sitting, head bowed, seemingly deep in thought. Naret approached Tin, lifting his head gently. To his surprise, Tin initiated an intimate embrace, catching a scent of obsession in the air. Tin, fueled by desire, untied the bathrobe's sash, revealing Naret's bare form.

Taking a seat on Tin's lap, Naret succumbed to the intensity of the moment. Tin's hands explored Naret's body, gradually undressing him. Passionate kisses traversed Naret's chest, abs, and beyond. The room filled with the intoxicating chemistry of their union, both lost in the fiery connection that fueled the intensity of their desire.

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Naret acquiesced to Tin's request, allowing Bella to spend time with him. Tin soon discovered the joy Bella found in the company of other children. For days, they were inseparable, their laughter echoing through the air like sweet music. One day, Bella handed Tin a piece of paper adorned with a drawing-a soldier kneeling in solemn reverence to the flag of their nation. When Tin inquired about the figure, Bella proudly declared it was him, knowing her father was also a soldier. She dedicated the drawing to soldiers like Tin, who bravely persevered to protect their homeland, no matter the hardships they faced.

Touched by Bella's gesture and her unwavering admiration, Tin lifted her into his arms, embracing her tightly. Bella nestled her face against Tin's, their bond palpable under the starry night sky. As shooting stars streaked across the heavens, Bella made a heartfelt wish-for her father's safe return and the end of the war that had brought so much suffering to their people.

With Bella asleep in his arms, Tin held her close, cherishing the precious moment. Gently laying her down, he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, silently promising to protect her, just as he had promised her father. As he quietly slipped away, the night enveloped him, but the warmth of Bella's love lingered in his heart, a beacon of hope in the darkness of uncertainty.

As the clock struck midnight, Tin noticed Naret preparing to leave. Intrigued, he persistently questioned Naret about his destination. Succumbing to Tin's curiosity, Naret reluctantly allowed Tin to accompany him. They entered a dimly lit warehouse, where clandestine transactions unfolded. Though Naret had long ceased involvement with drugs, a warning about an imminent threat to his life forced him to confront the shadows of his past.

Within the warehouse, heated discussions escalated into chaos. Tin, following Naret's instructions, remained in the car, waiting patiently. As the negotiations unraveled into conflict, gunshots echoed through the air. Alerted by the sound, Tin sprang into action, entering the warehouse to find Naret focused on an adversary.

In the heat of the moment, Naret failed to notice an assailant approaching from behind with a knife. Aghast, Tin intervened, swiftly blocking the blade with his bare hands. Blood dripped from Tin's hands, his gaze fierce and deadly. The atmosphere intensified as Tin, holding the knife, confronted the attacker.

In a sudden surge of aggression, Tin attacked with unparalleled ferocity, incapacitating the would-be assailant. Naret, witnessing Tin's ruthless efficiency, recognized the duality within him-the persona that criminals feared. Tin's actions spoke of a hidden past, a complexity that heightened his intimidation factor in the underground world.

Tin's vigilant protection of Naret revealed the layers of his character, leaving a lingering sense of mystery and awe in the warehouse's dimly lit ambiance.

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