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Chapter 2 (2/2)

In a dimly lit room filled with various gym equipment, the atmosphere was lifeless, dominated by shades of black and gray. A large black bed occupied the space where Tin slept, topless and covered in sweat. His body bore the marks of a vivid nightmare, particularly scars on his chest from a stabbing incident before embarking on a mission.

Supervisor: Do you think sacrificing your life for someone is worth it? You're needed here in the camp.

Tin: We leave together, and we return together. I can't sacrifice my people; I have a significant responsibility. If I have responsibilities, they're mine alone, not my team's.

Tin's tone was cool as he conversed with the supervisor, who knew better than to interfere with Tin's decisions. The supervisor was aware of Tin's anger, but fear struck him as Tin's father held a prominent position as a prime minister.

Supervisor: What if you don't make it back alive? What should I tell your parents?

Tin: If I die, I won't regret it. My father knows what I've chosen. I remember every word I've left, making my team's families feel secure. I do it not just for myself but for those who rely on me, even my team. I can't abandon them in this chaotic country.

Leaving silently, Tin carefully planted bombs, his mind focused. Until he stumbled upon a pile of corpses behind the camp, Tin slowly searched for Benjamin's body. Before coming here, Tin had visited the hostages, and an elderly captive had mentioned a foreigner being brutally killed by terrorists. Fingers severed, each digit cut, the image haunted Tin. Gripping his self-defense stick weapon, Tin's eyes welled with tears, and his knuckles turned white.

Reaching the back of the camp, Tin encountered a gruesome sight. Mercilessly attacking, Tin's assault on those who blocked his path was brutal. His perspective on terrorists changed as he saw them for the vile beings they were. When he finally found Benjamin's lifeless form, he knew the remaining terrorist camps would be alerted. Quickly, Tin extracted a tracking device from his chest and placed it in a pocket on Benjamin's body.

As backup approached, Tin knew they couldn't escape far, so he decided to detonate the entire camp. Injured by a bullet, Tin's last conscious act was to set off the explosion. Awakening later in the terrorists' camp, Tin endured various tortures. Remarkably, his military training and resilience prevented him from succumbing to PTSD. Two months of captivity passed before a military rescue mission arrived, astonished to find Tin not only alive but seemingly unaffected by the ordeal.

Returned to the camp, Tin's body had withered, bearing numerous scars as evidence of the torture he endured. The military marveled at Tin's ability to withstand the trauma, not succumbing to the typical post-hostage psychological effects.

Upon waking up, Tin headed to the bathroom for a shower, wearing nothing. His body exuded a powerful presence, with broad shoulders, a well-defined chest, and sculpted abs. Yet, the visible scars on his back served as a reminder of the numerous stabbings he endured. After finishing, Tin emerged wearing only a towel, taking a seat as he ran his hand through his damp hair. In one hand, he held a case file.

Ignoring several calls, Tin finally answered when he recognized a familiar voice - Bella.

Bella: Daddy, please bring me back to my dad.

Tin stood, gripping the cellphone tightly, and spoke with determination.

Tin: Bella, it's Daddy. Where are you? Daddy will come for you.

Suddenly, another voice chimed in, mocking and taunting.

Unknown Voice: What do you want? Don't worry; I won't hurt the kid. That's not cool in my book. You need to go alone to the provided address. Make one wrong move, and you know what will happen.

In a fit of rage, Tin abruptly ended the call, slamming the phone against the wall until his hand bled. Soon after, Bella's London nanny called, informing him that Bella was missing. Overwhelmed by guilt, Tin lost control, collapsing and losing consciousness. Seeing or hearing Bella triggered a deep trauma within Tin, a relentless regret for not saving Bella's real father - an anguish that clung to him, haunting his every waking moment.

As Tin arrived at the grand villa, the sheer number of personnel present made him pause. Mindful not to act rashly, knowing Bella was in their hands, Tin proceeded cautiously towards a magnificent mansion. Inside, men clad in sleek black suits dotted the surroundings. Among them stood a man whose handsome features did little to soften Tin's disdain for criminals. With steely resolve, Tin demanded answers.

Tin: Where is Bella?

His words echoed forcefully, causing alarm among the assembled men. Naret signaled for them to leave the room, leaving only him and Tin. Maintaining his composure, Naret approached Tin, his demeanor unreadable. He knew he had to remain calm; after all, Bella's safety depended on it.

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