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As Tin delved into the investigation, seeking answers about Krit's abductors and their inexplicable choice of target, his brow furrowed with concentration. Amidst his research, a sudden interruption startled him. It was unusual for anyone to approach him while he was deep in his work, prompting Tin to wonder about the identity of the visitor. With a sense of intrigue, he quickly made his way to meet them.

To his surprise, the familiar face waiting for him belonged to Elaine. She had come with an offer he couldn't refuse, having already secured approval from the official in charge of Tin. Despite Tin's initial reluctance due to the unfamiliar nature of the task, he found himself unable to decline, knowing he had little choice in the matter. And so, with a resigned acceptance, Tin prepared himself for the unexpected journey ahead.

In the depths of Tin's memory, the events of that fateful day at the mall lingered like a haunting melody, each note playing out with vivid clarity. It was a day marked by chaos and danger, a day when Tin's courage shone brightest amidst the darkness.

As the bomb scare gripped the mall in a vice of fear, Elaine's parents found themselves trapped within the confines of a jewelry shop, their lives hanging in the balance. Amidst the frantic rush of panicked shoppers and the cacophony of sirens, Elaine raced against time, her heart pounding with desperation.

With determination etched into every line of her face, Elaine navigated the chaos with a sense of purpose that belied her fear. And amidst the throng of terrified onlookers, her gaze caught sight of a lone figure, tall and imposing, moving with a grace that seemed out of place amidst the chaos.

Cloaked in mystery and clad in a mask, the figure exuded an air of authority that commanded attention. With each confident stride, he cut through the crowd like a knife through butter, his presence casting a shadow over the chaos that threatened to consume them all.

Approaching the masked stranger with a mixture of apprehension and hope, Elaine's voice trembled as she pleaded for his help. "Sir, my parents are trapped in the jewelry shop. Please, you have to save them. My father is sick," she implored, her words a desperate plea for salvation.

In that moment, as Elaine stood before him, her eyes filled with tears and her heart heavy with fear, the masked figure's resolve hardened. With a silent nod, he accepted the responsibility thrust upon him, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

And as he embarked on his mission to rescue Elaine's parents from the clutches of danger, Tin's dominance shone like a beacon amidst the chaos, his every action a testament to his strength and courage. For in that moment, he wasn't just a hero—he was a guardian angel, sent to protect those in need and ensure that light triumphed over darkness once more.

As the masked man turned to face Elaine, she found herself drawn to the intensity of his gaze, despite the veil that obscured his features. Yet, even with his face hidden, subtle details caught her attention—the tear-shaped mole nestled between his eyebrows, the sharp contours of his eyes that spoke of discipline and resolve, unmistakably reminiscent of a seasoned soldier.

Sensing Elaine's trembling hand, the masked man reached out, his touch gentle yet firm as he steadied her trembling form. With a furrowed brow, he observed her with a mixture of concern and determination, his military instincts kicking in as he assessed the situation.

"Tin!" a voice called out from behind, breaking the tense silence. With a nod of acknowledgment, the masked man, now identified as Tin, signaled to his colleague to standby, his attention returning to Elaine.

Meeting her gaze with unwavering resolve, Tin issued a directive that left no room for doubt. "Wait for them to exit and move away from the area. I'll handle your request, not just because you asked, but because it's my duty. Trust me. And I'll also request that civilians be evacuated from the affected area because there's a bomb threat."

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