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As Tin delved into the accounts of Dream and Mathew, he uncovered a web of deceit in the crowded exam room. In the midst of numerous students, a lone child held a test paper with answers in the bathroom. Tin witnessed the cheating group that Dream and Mathew had reported.

Frustration and anger surged as Tin learned that the teacher had falsely accused them, spreading their words but shielding the influential cheaters. The accused children, coming from affluent families, seemed immune to consequences. The injustice echoed in the air as Tin discovered the teacher's complacency.

Determined to unveil the truth, Tin pressed for the evidence Dream and Mathew provided. The atmosphere grew tense as she confronted the teacher who had sown discord. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Tin's words hung in the air, a stark challenge to the teacher's actions. The saga of deception and injustice unfolded, leaving Tin on a quest for justice, undeterred by the powerful forces at play.

Upon reading the heart-wrenching testimonies of Dream and Mathew, a somber veil draped over Tin's emotions. The harsh reality unfolded, and though moved, he refrained from hasty accusations, understanding the need for concrete evidence. Determined to expose the truth, Tin, with an air of calculated coldness, set out for Dream's school, where an uneasy tension gripped every teacher.

Without time for niceties, Tin confronted the teacher responsible, her voice cutting through the silence like a dagger in the dark, "What do you have to say for yourself?" The question hung in the air, demanding accountability. In the intense exchange, Tin dropped the damning evidence, making a powerful statement without uttering a word.

Tin, armed with a voice recording capturing the teacher's menacing threats, confronted the educator with a simmering intensity.

Tin: "Perhaps you're well aware of the consequences you'll face. Let's not prolong this discussion. Tell me who's responsible."

The other teachers, fearing retribution from the powerful parent of the accused, reluctantly disclosed the instigator's identity. In Tin's eyes, their timidity reflected an unworthiness to hold the title of an educator. Teachers, in her view, should be pillars of strength, not cowering in fear. To betray the trust of their students and resort to intimidation was a blatant betrayal of their role as the second parents to every child.

Undeterred by their connections and jobs, Tin believed they had no place in shaping young minds if fear clouded their commitment. The wrath in her voice echoed the disappointment and determination to restore justice for Dream, Mathew, and every other student who deserved better than a facade of education tainted by intimidation.

Upon discovering the culprit, Tin left without entertaining any explanations. Instead, he immediately called his father, revealing the entire truth and urging him to purge those who abused their status or wealth to harm the less fortunate. In Tin's eyes, wealth or poverty shouldn't dictate one's treatment of others; it's a matter of luck, not an excuse for greed or cruelty.

His father took swift action, personally visiting the school to remove all involved, even expelling the conniving students. Determined to end the cycle of abuse, Tin's father took charge. Yet, Tin wasn't satisfied. He headed to the mayor's office, a person he once respected, only to discover his corruption.

Fury consumed Tin as he demanded an investigation, revealing the mayor's true colors. When confronted, the mayor attempted to greet Tin, but he retaliated with a powerful blow. Even his bodyguards, attempting to intervene, couldn't escape Tin's wrath. In his anger, Tin delivered justice, ensuring that those who abused power faced the consequences, leaving an indelible mark on his quest for a just society.

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