6 - Stay smart, Rebecca.

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6 – Stay smart, Rebecca.

"Whaaaat!? You agreed to marry her?" A voice thundered through the room, shaking the very walls.

"Look, I didn't have a choice," Friend said, her voice tinged with desperation. "She proposed in a packed restaurant, and everyone was watching. I couldn't say no. And you know I should not"

"Urgh! But we never agreed that you'd end up marrying that freak," Billy spat, his frustration barely contained.

"Yeah, I know." Friend slumped onto the couch, her shoulders heavy with the weight of her predicament. "But it's not like the wedding is tomorrow. I'll find excuses to prolong the engagement."

"Just make sure you do that."

Friend stood up, urgency in her movements. "Billy, I will not marry Rebecca. I'm yours, and you know that."

Billy paced the room, his agitation palpable. "But what if she pushes for it? What then?"

Friend clenched her fists, determination flashing in her eyes. "I'll figure something out. I won't let this happen. I won't let her trap me. I promise."

"Why can't you just break up with her?" Billy looked at Friend pleadingly, his eyes searching for any sign of hope.

"And what? Let all the years we've endured go to waste?" Friend retorted, her voice trembling with emotion.

Billy sighed, understanding dawning in his eyes. He knew exactly what she meant.

"If we have what we both deserve, then I will break up with her," Friend declared, her voice resolute. "Until then, I can't. I need her—her money, her influence."

Billy nodded slowly, the weight of their situation settling between them like an unwelcome guest.

Finally, Billy pulled back, his face set with determination. "Alright, we'll play it your way. But promise me you'll tell me everything. No secrets."

"I promise," Friend said, her voice firm. "We need to be careful. We can't let Rebecca suspect anything."

Billy nodded; his eyes filled with a steely resolve. "We'll be careful. And we'll make it through this. Together."

As the sun began to set outside, casting long shadows across the room, they sat down to plan their next move, united in their determination to navigate the treacherous path ahead.


Becky's POV

"Are you crazy, Rebecca? Instead of breaking up with her, you asked her to marry you?" Irin exclaimed, pacing back and forth in my living room.

"I love her, Irin. I know she loves me too... and I've been better at managing my expectations," I responded, trying to defend my decision.

"Love? If that's what you call love from Friend, then you really are crazy," Irin continued, her frustration evident. "You kept this plan a secret from me because you knew I'd smack some sense into you."

I sighed, watching Irin's agitated movements. Criticism from a friend, especially about matters of the heart, was never easy to hear.

"Irin, I understand your concern," I said softly, trying to calm her down. "But you know how much Friend means to me. Yes, things haven't always been smooth between us, but I truly believe in us. I believe in our love."

Irin stopped pacing and turned to face me, her expression a mix of frustration and concern. "Love shouldn't make you blind, Rebecca. You deserve someone who treats you with respect and consistency. Someone who doesn't take you for granted."

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