5 - I will

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5 – I will

The day of the shoot arrived, and Freen felt a mix of nerves and excitement as she arrived on set. The studio buzzed with activity as crew members set up lights, cameras, and props, while makeup artists and stylists flitted around the models.

Freen found herself in the makeup chair, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as the makeup artist worked her magic. She stole glances at the other model, Friend, who was getting her hair styled nearby. Despite her initial apprehension about working with another model, Freen couldn't deny that Friend had a certain presence about her.

Once the makeup was done, Freen stepped onto set, feeling the weight of the camera's lens on her. The photographer greeted her with a warm smile and directed her into position. As the shoot began, Freen slipped into character, channeling the confidence and charisma that had won her the role.

With each click of the camera, Freen grew more comfortable, losing herself in the rhythm of the shoot. She moved fluidly from pose to pose, the photographer guiding her with encouraging words.

As the shoot progressed, Freen found herself paired with Friend for a series of shots. Despite her initial reservations, Freen couldn't deny the chemistry between them. They complemented each other well, each bringing their own unique energy to the set.

During a break in the shoot, Freen found herself standing next to Friend. She took a deep breath, mustering up the courage to start a conversation.

"Hey, Friend," Freen began with a smile, "how are you finding the shoot so far?"

Friend barely glanced at her, giving a non-committal shrug. "It's fine, I guess," she replied, her tone flat.

Freen tried not to let Friend's dismissive attitude deter her. "Yeah, it's pretty exciting to be part of such a big project, isn't it?" she continued, hoping to spark some enthusiasm.

But Friend just nodded without saying anything, her attention drifting elsewhere.

Undeterred, Freen pressed on. "Have you done many shoots like this before?"

Friend finally looked at her, but her response was clipped. "Yeah, a few," she said shortly, turning away as if the conversation bored her.

Freen felt a pang of disappointment but tried to keep the conversation going. "Well, it's just my third time doing something like this for a big brand. I'm really grateful for the opportunity."

Friend's response was lukewarm at best. "Alright," she muttered, clearly uninterested in engaging further.

Feeling awkward, Freen let the conversation trail off, realizing that Friend wasn't interested in chatting. She turned her attention back to the set, determined not to let Friend's attitude affect her performance.

As they returned to the shoot, Freen couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. She had hoped to strike up a friendly rapport with Friend, but it seemed that wasn't going to happen. Nonetheless, she remained focused on her work, determined to give her best performance despite the chilly reception from her co-model.

As Freen focused on the set, trying to shake off the awkwardness of the conversation with Friend, Rebecca, the Marketing Manager, arrived on set.

"Hello, everyone," Rebecca greeted, her presence commanding attention. "How's everything going?"

The crew members and models all turned to face her, ready to receive instructions.

"Hi Boss," John greeted Rebecca, "you even made time to visit the first shoot."

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