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As they finished unloading their belongings from the car, Engfa turned to Becky with a grateful smile. "Becky, I just wanted to say thank you for inviting us to this weekend getaway. It means a lot to me and Heng."

Becky returned Engfa's smile warmly. "Of course, Engfa! Any friend of my girlfriend that she would like to come is welcome."

Engfa nodded enthusiastically. "I have no doubt about that! Friend is lucky to have you."

Becky responded with a modest shrug. "Ah, it's nothing. Just wanted to celebrate in good company."

Engfa glanced around at their surroundings, taking in the scenic beauty of the resort. "Well, it's certainly a beautiful place to celebrate your graduation."

Just then, Irin approached, her presence adding to the excitement of the moment. Becky greeted her friend with a hug.

"Hey Irin, so glad you could make it!" Becky said with a smile.

Irin returned the hug warmly. "Wouldn't miss it for the world! Thanks for inviting me, Becky."

"Irin, this is Engfa and Heng, friends and colleagues of Friend. This is Irin, my best friend," Becky introduced them to each other.

As Irin joined the group, Friend's expression shifted from anticipation to shock. She had assumed it would just be them, and the unexpected arrival of Irin caught her off guard. Without a word, she shot a sharp gaze towards her girlfriend, her eyes betraying a hint of frustration and confusion.

Becky caught her girlfriend's expression but was oblivious to the reason behind it. Assuming it was due to some other misunderstanding, she interjected cheerfully, "Let's head inside. I think my other friends are waiting for us."

As they made their way towards the entrance of the resort, Friend's gaze remained fixed on Becky, her irritation intensifying as she noticed Becky's other friends, Nop and Charlotte, waiting inside. A pang of resentment surged through her, wondering why Becky hadn't mentioned their presence earlier.

Meanwhile, Becky engaged in lively conversation with Irin and the others, completely unaware of the brewing tension. She was eager to showcase the resort's amenities and kickstart the weekend festivities.

Upon entering the lobby, Becky introduced everyone with a warm smile, but Friend's frustration peaked. Unable to contain her annoyance any longer, she pulled Becky aside to a secluded corner, her agitation palpable.

"Becky, why didn't you tell me Nop and Charlotte were coming too?" Friend whispered, her voice tinged with irritation.

Becky's brows furrowed in confusion. "I thought I mentioned it. I invited them along with Irin. I didn't think it would be a problem."

Friend's frustration boiled over, her tone sharpening. "You know I don't like them, and you didn't tell me beforehand. I thought this weekend was supposed to be about us."

Becky's expression shifted to a mix of disappointment and defiance. "But they're my friends, Friend. If you actually wanted to be just us, you will not ask me if you could invite anyone for this trip."

"They're different," Friend retorted, her voice growing more strained. "I need to impress them. Engfa has connections, and Heng is a producer. How can I flaunt you and this beach trip if your friends are pestering around?"

Becky's heart sank at Friend's words, but she steeled herself, refusing to back down. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. My friends are staying, whether you like it or not. You can impress whoever you want, but I won't sacrifice my friendships for it." Her voice held a firm resolve.

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