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Jems was lost in his own thoughts, couldn't proceed what was really happening and what really happened...

His thoughts were a thousand miles away, until a voice from behind snapped him back to attention.
"Hello? The water is being wasted! You should the tap."
Hearing that he gasped and closed the tap, then he got to Mark, and sat beside him silently still dwell in his thoughts. When Mark said,"Jems, you should go home and take rest."

Jems: ahh, what?
Mark: i said you should go home and take rest, i will handle here.
Jems: but aunt is still in...
Mark: you also have to go to work dude, go now, i will inform you when the operation is done..
Jems: is that ok? You will not feel lonely right?
Mark: no, i will be ok, just go then, drive safe.

After that Jems takes steps slowly slowly, moving forward, then in elevator, that operation room was on 5th floor while Anna's room was on ground floor.

When the elevator reached ground floor, he gets out, but when he came he couldn't move his foots from there, eagerly wanting to see Anna, at that time. He took a glance at the door, where Anna was, it had a transparent glass on it, which was small in square shape  , but all he could see was the furnitures, sofa and all as the bed was on other side.

He moved his hands towards the door handle, but wasn't having strength to go inside and the next he thought that it's already late.. he turned around and started walking away.

At 12:45am, he reached back at his home, tired, he removed his tie and threw it on the ground and fell onto his bed leaving a sigh, soon he fall asleep.


AT 7 AM.
Jems woke up still having heavy head and feeling dizzy, he firstly took his phone to see the time, and then remembered about Mark's mom operation, Mark didn't called him at all, he was worried about it and firstly called him, "hello? Mark!! How did the operation go? Is aunt alright? Why u didn't called me?"

Mark: okay okay, slow down, the operation was successful and mom is alright now,
Jems: thank god, i will come and visit her now...

Mark: it's time for you to go to office not to linger around.
Jems: what linger! I am coming to see my aunt.
Mark: okay okay, are you alright now then?
Jems::yeah feeling good though but still my head is hurting...
Mark: ofcourse it will, you were crying like a baby!
Jems: oh...
He stepped out of his bed as he was talking on call while lying, he got to his closest and started picking up clothes.
Mark: so, well i saw Anna right now outside, i think she got discharge.
Hearing that jems stopped and, "was she looking okay, how was her health?"
Mark: i don't know, she was looking fine.. maybe.
Jems : what maybe? Can't you say exactly?
Mark: what?? I dare not go there near her or look at her! People will think i am a stalker dude, understand y feelings!
Jems: you even have feelings?
Mark: okay stop joking
Jems: i am not! Well forget it, i will come there, see you later.
Saying that he cut the call and goes to take shower.


Anna woked up early at about 5:30 am as it was her daily routine, her grandma was already awake, talking with someone on call while sitting on sofa, Robin was still sleeping on the sofa, as there was only one bed for the patient's family member,
"grandma, whom are you talking with at this time?"

Mrs. Smith: oh you woke up, good morning dear, it was your grandpa. We will be leaving at about 7 am."
Anna: okay Grandma, well, can i get ride of these things on my hand then?
It was seen on her face how annoyed she was by those salines on her hand.

Mrs. Smith: yes, the nurse will come soon, so she will remove them.
After that Anna got out of the bed and grandma helped her out of bed and supported her as she made her way to bathroom, she washed her face with one hand and brushed her teeth.

After some time, Mrs. Smith gave her fruits to eat, while she was eating the doctor came to check up on her and he said that she can go after her saline is removed.

About 15 minutes later the nurse came and removed it, she felt relieved after that as she was going back at home, but disappointed as her grandpa said that she will have to stay at home as doctor told her to rest.

She changed her clothes, she seated her usual black baggy t-shirt and blue jeans. She was going to go when her phone ringed, she took her phone out from her pocket and saw the caller ID, he was Steven. There were more than 20 miss calls from him, but she didn't had any clue as it was with Robin. She took the call;

Anna: what's up!
Steven: what! I called you multiple times last night, but you didn't picked u! Where were you?
Anna: my phone was not with me, and i think Robin put it on silent mode i think..
Steven: oh, where are you now? I was going to come to see you but then i didnt thinking you might be sleeping.
Anna: ofcourse i was sleeping, well i will hang up now, will meet up at our usual place in evening, bye.

She didn't gave him chance to say anything and hanged up.

Mrs. Smith was hearing everything she was saying on call, " Anna, forgot that your grandpa has told you to stay at home?"
Anna: grandma,  i will get bored at home.

Mrs. Smith nodded at her and made her way out of the hospital. Robin was already in the car waiting for them, Anna also followed her.

The sat in car and the Robin started driving back to home..



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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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