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While the kidnappers were put in jail, police asked them about Anna but they didn't said any word. The time was running out and it was already 06:00 am in morning, everyone had the sleepless nights, the fear of what if something happened to Anna, she was the granddaughter of a big company's CEO, so police were trying there best and even mr. Smith insisted that it shouldnt go to the media or the culprit might do something to Anna.
Everyone was tensed, police decided to torture the kidnappers, and but after a lot of effort of torturing them one guy finally decided to say something.

He told them that he knows nothing about Anna and who she was, they were only hired to kidnap a girl and he also showed the photo of her and she was Anna, then he told that they were about bring her into that underground room but that two people saw them and as well as driver also tried to stop them, so they killed him and tied up the other two people. And Anna was taken away by some men as they were told.

The time was running out, not even a ray of hope was there to make there investigation go further. Officers even searched for location of the number from which the kidnappers were called, but it was unavailable as well as showing it was invalid.

It was already 10 in morning, then again the same call came and he was the same person, ' MR.LANE',

Mr. SMITH were unable to talk so Robin pick up the call and again they started trying to figure out the location but no use.

Robin: you will pay for it!
Mr. Lane: oh, my dear grandson, it has been a while since i heard your voice u have grown up so well.
Robin: stop this nonsense! Tell us where Anna is!
Mr. Lane: why? Don't worry! She is in safe hands, but if you waste your time like this she will be definitely d*ed, and you will get nothing but a death body! You know what, i gave you 24 hours and it has only 1 hour left! At 11:30 am everything will be mine and Anna, your beloved sister will be on her way to heaven.

Robin: YOU!!!....
Mr.Smith: Robin now stop it, i have decided to give him the passcode, nothing is more precious then my Anna,
Saying that he grabbed the phone from Robin's hand and started talking," i am ready to give you the password, leave her then"

Hearing that Robin and Officers, Employees were stunned but they also found it to be a good choice as they were having no choice at all.

Mr. Lane: Good! Atlast you used your brain. I will come to your company i mean soon to be mine, and with all agreements be ready!
Mr.smith: what about Anna?
Mr.lane: oh don't worry, first the agreements then Anna.

Saying that he cut the call and he was aware that Anna was in his hands and if police tried to do something to him so he will harm her, he did planned it very well.

Mr.smith: hello? Hello??? Oh no, that sh*t!

Everyone was at the company waiting for him to come, Ann's mom, Julie and grandma were still at the house with guards. Robin was still with his grandpa at company waiting for Mr. Lane to come.

At 11:00 AM
Exactly at 11 Mr. Smith gets a  notified that Mr. Lane has came and they are coming up at there office, they were also told that he is with his son and no one else, it was unexpected but also expected as no one was going to shoot him or what!  Soon the office door is opened revealing two man in black suit, one in his 40's while other in his 70's, they were holding a proud face acting like they have win the game, soon the man's eyes fall on Robin, who was just sitting beside his grandpa on couch,

"Ohh my son as n grown up!" He moved towards him and tried to touch his hairs but Robin shooked his hand and moved away, " no wonder, you have got a lot attitude!"
Mr.smith: stop this nonsense and talk about the business and immediately leave Anna!
Mr. Lane/ Anna's dad: okay okay, don't be frustrated! You should take care of your health, you are getting older!

Mr. Lane: yes! My son is right!
Saying that they sat on  the couch and told everyone expect Mr. Smith to leave the office. Firstly everyone thought that they might do something to him but they had no choice so they decided to keep an eye on them from outside as well as from CCTV.

Everyone was about to leave the office when Mr. Lane got a call, where his expressions changed to anger and fear, the smile he was holding for long from the time he came was gone, officers studied his expressions very well and they thought something wasn't right! They thought that something was going on!

Everyone was outside waiting and waiting while Mr. Smith and Mr. Lane and his son were in office, in CCTV everything was looking normal when suddenly, Robin's phone ringed, he picked up the call,

" Hello? Is this Robin's number, brother of Anna LAne?"

He was surprised and made big eyes!
Robin: yes it's me? Who are you? Where are you from talking?
??: I am talking from xx hospital, your sister was happened to be crashed by a truck, and she is admitted here, i hope you will come soon!
Robin: what? Wait wait who told you her name was Anna?
??: Sorry, i don't know his name, he was a young high school guy, he told me to call you. Well your sister is in operation room, i hope you will come here sooner.
Saying that Robin thanked her and cut the call, he told everything to officers and without wasting any time they stopped Mr. Smith from signing the agreements and captured Mr. Lane and his son.
Robin and one officer reached at that hospital and they were told that the operation is still going on as Anna was hitted on her head. Robin was happy as well as sad and hoping that she would be fine.


To be continue..

the grammatical mistakes 🥺😸

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