Chapter 17

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The three of us.. in one world with nothing and no one else, what could go wrong? Everything.

I wasn't talking, neither was Mallory, and Gaia looked like she was stressing out. Both of them knew I would usually be the first one to initiate a conversation between the three of us but I didn't want to. Since I wasn't being the bridge between us, nothing was happening. I can't say I didn't expect this though. I knew what would happen the moment Gaia said we won't leave until we've reconciled.

Thus, even though I didn't want to, my mind was already well prepared to stay here for the rest of my life. Because I, sure as hell, do not expect us to get along, especially not with how they treated me. I won't beg for them nor cry for them anymore. If they want something to happen, they'll have to make the first move this time.

Gaia cleared her throat and awkwardly asked, "Uhm, would you, girls, like a couch or anything of the sort? Just so we won't have to stand for the duration of our talk."

"No, I need to leave."

I rolled my eyes at Mallory's words, "I'll take a bed." I wasn't going to reply at first but I thought I might as well try to get comfortable if I'm going to live here forever.

Gaia nodded and pointed behind me. I turned around and immediately walked towards the king sized bed. Without looking at the two idiots, I laid down and stretched, trying to get into a comfortable position. I noticed Gaia was approaching me but I quickly shook my head.

"No, I do not want to be near you, any of you."

Gaia's eyes immediately darkened and she frowned but didn't argue. She then faced the other idiot who was still staring at nothing. "Mallory, you can't escape us anymore. If you actually care about us, about this, you'll have to tell us everything."

"Where did you go? Why did you leave? What happened to you?" Gaia asked, reaching out her hand to touch Mallory's face but the latter took a step back.

Gaia's silver eyes were turning into a darker shade of gray, her expression was slowly becoming desperate, and her body language showed that she was anxious. She wouldn't stop glancing between Mallory and I but none of us said anything.

Perhaps we were never really meant to be.. perhaps the goddess made a mistake. Gaia and Mallory, perhaps they stood a chance, because at this point, I have been losing all strength and all energy just to keep this relationship afloat. The two of them were.. just too slippery to hold onto. I held Gaia first, or at least I tried to, but she vanished the moment my fingers first grazed her. On the other hand, I never held Mallory to begin with, I tried, but she was as invisible as time.

But I gave them both everything I had. They didn't have to try to hold me, no, I surrendered everything. Whatever they wanted, whatever they needed, whatever they demanded, I was ready to give them all of me, of everything I was. And I did, I gave them my everything.. but what I didn't account for was what they would do to me. I thought since they were my mates, they'd never mistreat me.. for no one could resist the mate bond..

However.. I should've known. There were plenty of people who rejected their mates, even at their first meet. It's not anything new, it has happened before and it's still happening now. Of course most people died from the rejection, seeing as one's mate may as well be half of one's heart, literally and figuratively. But for the people that did survive.. I've heard that they've either gone crazy, suicidal, depressed, vile, and just overall self-destructive.

I wondered.. what could've led to those people rejecting their very own mates.. Was it the negligence I experienced? Was it the mistreatment I experienced? Was it the abandonment I experienced? Was it everything I've experienced?

𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now