32. mayura's hidden side

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Abhimaan 's pov :

As I sat on my throne, I mean, in my office, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The whiskey bottle in my hand was almost empty, and the reports on my laptop screen blurred together as my mind wandered back to Mayura. I couldn't believe how much she had gotten under my skin. No one had ever made me feel this way before.

Just as I was lost in thought, a knock at the door broke the silence. I knew exactly who it was - Rajeev, my loyal assistant. I nodded, and he entered the room, his eyes bowing in respect.

"Boss ," he said, his voice low and deferential.

I waved my hand, dismissing the formalities. "Rajeev, what is it?"

"The Maity deal has been canceled, as per your instructions," he said, his eyes never leaving mine.

I nodded, feeling a sense of satisfaction. It was a small victory, but it was a start. I was determined to prove to Mayura that I was committed to our marriage, and to her.

"Rajeev, send me the details of the aftermath of canceling the Maity deal," I instructed, my voice firm and commanding.

Rajeev nodded, his eyes never leaving mine. "Yes, boss . I will send you the reports immediately."

I nodded, my mind already racing with the potential consequences. Canceling the deal would not only affect our business relations with Maity Corp but also have a ripple effect on our reputation in the industry.

As Rajeev left the room, I leaned back in my chair, my eyes fixed on the screen of my laptop. Within minutes, the reports started pouring in. I scrolled through the pages, my eyes scanning the data and analysis.

The numbers were stark. Canceling the deal would result in a significant loss of revenue, at least in the short term. Our stocks would likely take a hit, and our investors would be nervous. But I knew I had made the right decision. I couldn't continue with a deal that had caused so much pain to Mayura.

As I delved deeper into the reports, I realized that the damage control would require a strategic approach. We needed to issue a statement, reassure our investors, and work on rebuilding our reputation. It wouldn't be easy, but I was the Black Tiger, the King. I would not back down from a challenge.

With a deep breath, I began to work on  , my mind racing with ideas and solutions. I would protect my kingdom, my business, and my marriage. No matter what it took.

I clicked the send button, releasing the document to the public domain. The clause that had bound me to marry Mayura, the daughter of Maity Corp's CEO, was now out in the open for all to see. I knew it would cause a stir, but I didn't care. If this was what it took to prove to Mayura that I was committed to our marriage, then so be it.

Within moments, my phone started buzzing with notifications. The news had gone viral, and everyone was talking about it. The media was having a field day, questioning my decision and speculating about my motives.

I didn't bother reading the articles or watching the news. I knew what they would say. "King of Rajasthan's Desperate Move", "King Abhimaan's Shameful Deal", "Marriage for Business". The headlines would be brutal, but I was beyond caring.

All I could think about was Mayura's reaction. Would she see this as a genuine attempt to make amends, or would she think I was just trying to manipulate her again? I couldn't blame her if she didn't trust me yet. But I was willing to do whatever it took to regain her trust.

As the day went on, the storm outside my office grew louder. Protesters gathered outside the palace gates, demanding my resignation. My investors called, threatening to pull out of our deals. But I stood firm, my resolve unwavering.

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