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I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for college

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I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for college. After a rejuvenating bath, I dressed in my light blue Kurti and jeans , the soft fabric draping gracefully around my figure. As I applied the vermilion on my forehead, it seemed to glow brighter today, reminding me of last night's events. My cheeks warmed with a gentle blush, recalling the way Abhimaan had looked at me, the way his touch had lingered.

A female servant entered the room, her eyes lowered respectfully. "Breakfast is ready, ma'am," she informed me softly. "Sir has already left for the office."

My heart sank slightly at the news. I had hoped to see Abhimaan this morning, to share a smile or an affectionate word. But I hid my disappointment, nodding graciously. "Thank you, I'll be right down."

As I followed the servant out of the room, I couldn't help but wonder when I would see Abhimaan again .

Sitting in the luxurious living room, I took a bite of my light Indian breakfast—a delicate paratha with a hint of garam masala, complemented by a dollop of sweet mango chutney. The flavors danced on my tongue, a small comfort as I mentally prepared for the day.

With time to spare before college, I decided to scroll through Instagram. I settled into the soft cushions of the couch, opening my Instagram account with casual curiosity. But what I saw next made me freeze.

My follower count had skyrocketed to 50 million.

I stared at the screen in shock, trying to comprehend the number. My mind raced with questions.  "How did this happen? Why was the King of Rajasthan, Abhimaan, following a  girl? Was this some kind of glitch??" - this kind of comments !!!

As I scrolled through the comments, my heart fluttered with a mix of emotions. Many were congratulatory, welcoming me to the royal family with warmth and affection. Some comments were filled with admiration, praising the way I carried myself with grace and simplicity. A few comments even teased about how lucky I was to have caught the eye of the king.

But there were also hurtful comments—those who called me a gold-digger, questioning my intentions. However, these comments didn’t sting as much as I thought they would. Over time, I had grown thick-skinned, realizing that people would always judge without knowing the full story. I found myself smiling at the absurdity of some of the accusations, my blush deepening as I read the sweet and flirtatious comments.

I continued to scroll, enjoying the light-hearted banter and the supportive messages from strangers and acquaintances alike. It was strange to think that so many people were invested in my life, and while the attention was overwhelming, it was also a little thrilling.

Lost in the sea of comments, I nearly missed the news article that flashed across my screen.

Breaking News: Maity Corp. Destroyed—A New Era for Rajasthan.

The headline caught my eye, and as I read on, my emotions shifted from surprise to understanding. The company that had once been my family’s pride was no more, dismantled by none other than my husband, Abhimaan.

The article detailed how Abhimaan had uncovered a web of corruption within Maity Corp., exposing illegal practices and exploitation. With a decisive move, he had severed all ties with the company, ensuring its downfall.

I felt a sense of pride. My love for my family had long since withered, eroded by years of neglect and cruelty. Abhimaan’s actions were just, and I admired him for his integrity. He had done what needed to be done, and I was proud to stand by his side.

My phone buzzed, interrupting my thoughts. The name on the screen made my heart skip a beat—shekhar , my brother.

“Hello?” I answered tentatively.

“Mayura, you need to come back home. Now.” His voice was harsh, dripping with accusation.

“What do you want, shekhar?” I asked, already knowing where this conversation was headed.

“Your precious husband destroyed our company! We’re ruined because of him. And it’s all your fault.”

His words were like a slap, but they didn’t sting as much as they once might have. “shekhar , Abhimaan did what was right. The company was involved in illegal activities.”

“Fair? You betrayed us, Mayura. You sold us out to your royal husband. Now you’ll pay the price.”

I took a deep breath, letting his words wash over me without letting them sink in. I had long since stopped caring about my family’s approval or love. “shekhar , I’ve made my choice. And I’m not coming back.”

The line went dead, leaving me with a sense of finality. I knew I had made the right decision. I wasn’t going to let my family’s drama affect my life anymore.

Pushing aside the conversation with Shekhar, I focused on the day ahead. I had college, and I wasn’t going to let anything hold me back. I made my way to the car, where my security team awaited. They nodded respectfully as I got in, and we drove off to college.

The campus felt like a haven of normalcy. Here, I was just another student, and that anonymity was liberating. As I walked through the grounds, I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

However, Abhimaan’s silence was unsettling. He hadn’t called, and I couldn’t help but wonder what was on his mind. Was he angry? Or just busy with his work ?

I pushed those thoughts aside and headed to the cafeteria for lunch. I noticed the same group of boys who had tried to bully me on my first day, their eyes following me. Not wanting any unnecessary confrontation, I grabbed my food quickly and headed to a quieter spot at the back of the college.

As I sat in the peaceful courtyard, surrounded by trees and the sound of chirping birds, I reflected on everything that had happened. My family’s betrayal, Abhimaan’s actions —it all felt overwhelming.

Needing some time alone, I decided to take a drive. I instructed my security team to give me some privacy, and after flashing my queen’s card, they reluctantly agreed. I got into the car and hit the gas, feeling a rush of adrenaline as the speedometer climbed. The drive was exhilarating, a temporary escape from everything.

After hours on the road, I found myself in a secluded forest area. I parked the car and stepped out, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the solitude. I walked deeper into the woods, eventually finding a cliff that overlooked the city. The view was breathtaking, and for a moment, I felt truly free.

But my peace was short-lived as my phone buzzed again. Abhimaan’s name flashed on the screen but before I picked the call ended. I decided to leave him with a text as he was busy maybe.

I continued to walk, trying to clear my head.after an hour I finally decided to go back as the security team was waiting and I didn't want them face my husband's wrath because of me . But as I reached the car, my heart skipped a beat. Abhimaan was there, leaning against the door, his expression filled with concern.

“Mayura, where have you been? I was worried ,” he said, his voice laced with relief.

Seeing the worry in his eyes, I felt a pang of guilt for making him anxious. “I needed some time to process ,” I replied softly.

He nodded, his gaze never leaving mine. “I understand. But please, next time, let me know before you go . I was worried.”

I could see the genuine concern in his eyes, and it softened my heart.

Abhimaan opened the car door for me, and as I got in, I felt a sense of calm. We still had a lot to talk about, but for now, I was content to let things be.

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