4. Business deal

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Mayura abhimaan deep Shekhawat :

As the night wore on, my mother-in-law, the Queen, glanced at her watch and exclaimed, "Oh dear, it's getting late! Riya, darling, show Mayura to Abhimaan's room. She must be exhausted from the journey and the festivities."

Princess Riya nodded and smiled, taking my hand in hers. "Come, bhabhi , I'll show you to your room."

As we walked through the opulent corridors, I felt a sense of trepidation. I had forgotten that I would be sharing a room with Abhimaan, my husband. The thought sent a shiver down my spine.

Riya opened the door to a grand bedroom, the bed a majestic sight with its intricately carved posts and plush linens. "This is your room, bhabhi. You and Bhai will share it from now on."

I felt a pang of anxiety, my heart racing at the thought of being alone with him in this room.

Abhimaan: (locking the door) We need to talk, Mayura.

Mayura: (scared, silent)

Abhimaan: (approaching her) You see, I know you're not foolish enough to think this is a love match. It's a business deal, plain and simple.

Mayura: (silent, eyes wide with fear)

Abhimaan: (smirking) Oh, come now, Mayura. I thought you understood. This marriage is a strategic alliance between our families. Nothing more.

Mayura: (still silent, her mind racing)

Abhimaan: (shrugging) We'll pretend to be a happy couple in front of my family and the world. But here , in this room, we're just two strangers sharing a bed.

Mayura: (no response, her heart heavy with despair)

Abhimaan: (standing up). (he walks towards the washroom, leaving Mayura alone with her thoughts)

Mayura: (tearfully, silently) How did my life come to this?

(Abhimaan enters the washroom, leaving Mayura in a state of shock and despair)

Abhimaan deep Shekhawat:

The moment I first saw Mayura in her wedding attire, I was taken aback. She stood like a vision in red, her beauty radiant and captivating. The intricate embroidery on her lehenga sparkled like diamonds, and her delicate dupatta framed her face like a work of art. Her eyes, however, told a different story.

As I gazed into those pools of brown, I saw a hint of sadness, a glimmer of resignation. It was as if she was surrendering to her fate, rather than embracing it. Her lips, painted a deep red, curled into a faint smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. I sensed a hesitation, a reluctance to take this step.

But I pushed that thought aside, focusing instead on the stunning woman before me. Her hair, adorned with delicate flowers and jewels, cascaded down her back like a river of night. The tikka on her forehead glimmered, drawing my attention to her eyes once more. I was mesmerized by the flecks of gold in their depths, shining like tiny beacons.

For a moment, I forgot about the business deal, the strategic alliance, and the power play. All I saw was Mayura, the beautiful bride, and I was captivated.

As I watched Mayura bid farewell to her family and childhood home, I expected to see tears streaming down her face. It was a moment of vidaai, a poignant goodbye, and emotions usually ran high. But Mayura's eyes remained dry, her expression stoic. It was as if she was relieved to be leaving, eager to start her new life.

I couldn't help but wonder why. Didn't she care about her family, her roots? Or was she simply a pragmatist, focused on the wealth and power that our marriage would bring? The thought crossed my mind that she might be a gold digger, more interested in the luxuries and privileges that came with being a member of our family than in genuine relationships.

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