21 .Fear

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Mayura's pov:

It's hard to believe it's already been a month since I started college. So much has changed, yet so much remains the same. I'm still getting used to the early morning wake-up calls, the long lectures, and the endless assignments. But amidst all the chaos, I've found a sense of routine and comfort.

After many negotiations with Abhimaan, we finally reached a compromise. He agreed to have the security wait for me a little farther from college, and I agreed to return with them and have them accompany me if I need to go anywhere. I was angry at first, feeling like my independence was being taken away. But I understand the importance of safety, especially for the queen.

Over the past month, Abhimaan and I have developed a peculiar relationship. We've become friends of sorts, teasing each other and helping each other out. He's always checking in on me, making sure I'm doing well and not overexerting myself. And I've grown fond of his company, despite his occasional grumpiness.

My mother-in-law, Maa, calls me regularly to check on my well-being and teases Abhimaan, saying she loves me more than him. He feigns anger, but I can see the hint of a smile on his face. And my father-in-law, Papa, asks me about my studies and offers words of encouragement. I feel grateful to have them as my in-laws; they've made me feel like part of the family.

As I navigate this new chapter in my life, I'm learning to balance my independence with the responsibilities that come with being a member of the royal family. And I'm grateful to have Abhimaan by my side, even if he can be a bit overbearing at times. I know he's only looking out for my best interests, and for that, I'm thankful.

As I walked back to my locker to grab my books, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been building up all day. I had been receiving strange glances and whispers from unknown students, and it was making me nervous. I quickly opened my locker, hoping to find some solace in my books, but instead, I found a black box sitting on the top shelf.

My heart racing, I opened the box, and a rose slipped out, its petals soft and velvety. But it was the letter that made my hands shake. The words were scribbled in red ink, and they sent chills down my spine:

"You'll be Mine soon. I will snatch you from that Abhimaan."

I felt a wave of fear wash over me. Who could have written this? And what did they mean by "snatch me" from Abhimaan? I tried to compose myself, not wanting to draw attention to the situation. I quickly closed my locker and made my way to the security team waiting for me outside.

As we drove back to the palace, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Who was behind this? And what did they want from me? I felt a sense of vulnerability wash over me, and I knew I had to tell Abhimaan about this.

As soon as we reached the palace, I locked myself in my room, trying to process what had just happened. The letter kept echoing in my mind, and I couldn't help but wonder what the future held.

I knew I had to be strong, but the fear lingered, and I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched, even in the safety of my own room.

Abhiman's pov:

As I walked into the palace, I could sense something was off. Mayura was always waiting for me, eager to share her day and have dinner together. But today, she was nowhere to be found. I asked the servant, "Where is Mayura? Is she not feeling well?"

The servant hesitated, "Your Majesty, the queen returned from college, but she didn't come out of her room. She locked herself in and hasn't emerged since."

My mind raced with concern. Mayura never missed our dinner together, and she always shared her day with me. Something was definitely amiss. I quickened my pace, my heart beating faster with every step.

As I approached her room, I could feel a sense of unease. I knocked gently, "jaana , are you okay? Please open the door."

The silence was deafening. I tried the handle, but it was locked from the inside. My instincts screamed that something was wrong. I called out again, "jaana , please open the door. I'm worried about you."

The silence continued, and I knew I had to act fast. I signaled to the guards to stand by, and I tried to open the door myself. My heart was racing with anticipation, and I prayed that Mayura was safe inside.

As I stood outside Mayura's door, my hand poised to break it open, it suddenly swung ajar. Mayura stood before me, her face pale and drained of color. Her eyes, usually bright and sparkling, were dull and lifeless. I felt a surge of concern and rushed to her side.

"Jaana , what happened? Please tell me," I urged, but she remained silent. Her gaze drifted to the corner of the bed, where a black box sat ominously. She nodded slightly, as if beckoning me to open it.

My heart racing, I approached the box with trepidation. What could be inside? I lifted the lid, and my blood boiled with rage. A rose lay inside, its petals soft and velvety, but it was the letter that made my vision blur with anger. The words, scribbled in red ink, seemed to leap off the page:

"You'll be Mine soon. I will snatch you from that Abhimaan."

A growl escaped my lips as I crumpled the letter in my fist. Who dared to threaten Mayura? I felt a fierce protectiveness wash over me, and I knew I would stop at nothing to keep her safe. I turned to Mayura, my eyes scanning her face for any sign of fear or distress.

"Who did this, jaana ? Tell me, and I'll make sure they pay," I vowed, my voice low and menacing. Mayura's eyes flashed with a hint of fear, but she remained silent, her gaze fixed on the box as if it held some dark secret. I knew then that I had to get to the bottom of this, no matter what it took.

As I confronted Mayura about the threatening letter, I expected her to be frightened, but I didn't anticipate the intensity of her reaction. She burst into tears, her body shaking uncontrollably, and repeatedly apologized, "I'm sorry, Abhimaan, I don't know anything, I swear!"

Her words were laced with desperation, and her eyes pleaded for belief. But it was her body language that revealed the true extent of her distress. She tried to pull away, her arms flailing wildly, as if seeking an escape from the terror that gripped her.

Without hesitation, I enveloped her in a warm embrace, holding her firmly in place. At first, she resisted, trying to break free, but I refused to let go. I whispered soothing words into her ear, "Shh, jaana , it's okay, I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you."

As I held her, I could feel her panic attack subsiding, her breathing slowly, and her trembles easing. Her tears continued to flow, but I knew she was safe now. I held her until her sobs subsided, and she went limp in my arms, exhausted.

In that moment, I realized that Mayura wasn't just scared; she was terrified. The letter had unleashed a deep-seated fear, one that she didn't know how to express or confront. I vowed to be her rock, her protector, and her safe haven. I would do everything in my power to keep her safe and make sure she never felt this afraid again.

As the night wore on, Mayura's exhaustion finally got the better of her, and she fell into a fitful sleep, her body still trembling with fear. I gently lifted her into my arms, cradling her like a child, and laid her on the new bed, its plush comfort and luxurious softness enveloping her like a cloud. She didn't even notice the change, so consumed by her terror.

I sat beside her, my eyes fixed on her peaceful face, and began to stroke her hair with my fingers, the gentle motion a soothing balm for her frazzled nerves. My fingertips traced the curves of her scalp, the softness of her locks a sensual delight. With each stroke, I felt her tension ease, her breathing slowly, and her body relaxed into the mattress.

As I sat there, watching over her, I felt a deep sense of protectiveness washing over me. I would do anything to keep her safe, to shield her from the darkness that lurked outside our palace walls. My fingers continued their gentle ministrations, lulling her into a deeper slumber, as I whispered silent promises to keep her secure, to be her rock, her haven, and her forever home.

The soft rise and fall of her chest, the gentle flutter of her eyelids, and the peaceful expression on her face all combined to create a sense of serenity, a sense of calm that I had not felt in a long time. In this moment, all that mattered was Mayura's safety, her happiness, and her well-being. I would move mountains to ensure she never felt fear again.

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